Category: Company

BIPAS Cooking Activity 2022

Recently, at Udayana University located in Bali, Indonesia, BIPAS (Bali International Program on Asian Studies) students got together for a cooking activity where they got

The history of Movie

What is the universal language that penetrates the world and enables us to communicate with the people around us, or with anyone in the world,

Starbucks Philippines Celebrates 25th Anniversary

Every holiday season, Starbucks brings us together with its highly anticipated and well-loved “Starbucks Traditions” collection. This year, however, there is more than just the

Hana Reading Culture Center

Recently, Concordia and Trinity Academy collaborated once again on a trip to Ansan here in South Korea. CEO Peter Lee from Concordia International University and

New Employee Introduction

My name is Emma Nakagawa. I am a new Administrative Assistant at Cloud Nine College. I began my career as a public relations representative at

Halloween Celebration at Cloud Nine College

The very first celebration of Halloween in urban North America was when the immigrants from Ireland and Scotland moved to North America in the 1800s.

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