Category: Culture

Where Did Easter Come From?

The origin of Easter The Easter celebration today has a chocolate bunny scattering chocolate eggs. Many people believe that it began when Jesus rose from

Influence of Japanese art in the Western world

Japanese art has had a profound impact on the Western art world, inspiring and influencing artists across various mediums. This article examines the dynamic relationship

History of the Paralympic Games

Introduction Today, a lot of people are passionate about sporting events, especially the Olympics, which are significant and well-attended international sporting events. Every four years,

What Causes World Hunger?

The current state of world hunger is reaching unprecedented levels, with a staggering 811 million people worldwide suffering from chronic hunger as of 2022, while

Is Remote Work the Future of Office Jobs?

What is remote work? According to Remote Year (2022), remote work is defined as a type of work arrangement that allows professionals to perform their

What Affects Our Personalities?

Introduction There are so many people in the world, and each of them has a different personality. In addition, many external factors have an important

The Effects of Fast Fashion

What is fast fashion? The term fast fashion can be best defined as inexpensive, trendy clothing that takes ideas sampled from the catwalk and celebrity

Why Do People Drink Coffee?

Introduction Today, people drinking coffee are a common sight everywhere. Also, it is not difficult to find a cafe on the street because, in highly

Christmas – a Global Holiday

Why did we start celebrating Christmas? In the United States, 85% of people celebrate Christmas. Here is how Christmas began and why we have this

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