Category: Global

How did one cell create us all?

Cell Differentiation and Malformation The origins of life, marked by organisms preying on and attacking each other, likely date back to the Cambrian period. In

Why do living things need to sleep?

The concept of sleep Sleep is a fundamental and mysterious aspect of life. While most people recognize its importance, sleep’s underlying mechanisms and reasons are

2025 외교·통일 K-민화공모대전 성대하게 개최

전통 민화의 상징과 모티브를 현대적인 색채와 디자인으로 재해석한 작품들이 선보이는 2025 외교·통일 K-민화공모대전이 월간 K-민화와 (재)대한민국명인연합회 주관으로 서울 인사동 한국미술관에서 개최되었다. 전시는 17일까지 진행되며, 수준

AI Superintelligence and Evolution

In the distant future, a highly advanced superintelligent AI is given a directive to maximize the production of paper clips. The AI begins by optimizing

Gambling and Mental Health

Gambling is often seen as a form of entertainment, but for some, it can develop into a dangerous addiction that disrupts their financial stability, relationships,

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