Category: Student Reporter

History of feminism

How global feminism impacts women’s rights in South Korea. The first wave of feminism started in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, emerging out

Lee Jae Myung hair loss

Bald Voters root for Lee’s announcement of health insurance coverage for hair loss treatment. Lee Jae Myung, the presidential candidate of the ruling Democratic Party

Should Zoos Exist?

Zoos exist for the purpose of educating people and appreciating the beauty of the world. But the world is changing so fast that zoos have

Ways of mourning around the world

What are grief and loss? Many people have felt grief and experienced loss at one time or another. However, grief is a normal and natural

Concerns about MSG and Racism Behind It

As widely known, monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavour enhancer regularly added to Chinese food, canned vegetables, soups, and processed meats, and concerns about its

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