Paper books and E-books

Will e-books replace paper books?

Paper books have been impacted and will continue to be impacted by e-books to a certain extent, but they will not be replaced.

  • books are convenient to read.

They can be easily read on all kinds of electronic devices today, but paper books are more of a feeling. When you open a new book, you can smell the fragrance of ink. The tip of the new book is always full of excitement. This is something that e-books will never be able to offer.

Now, I am busy every day. I occasionally calm down and want to read a book as a kind of rest, so my choice is definitely to stay away from mobile phones, and computers, as they represent contact with people and things. Their existence makes us unable to truly rest, so we can imagine how wonderful it is to make a cup of tea and open a book on a pleasant afternoon.

From another perspective:

Can e-books be collected?

Books are the embodiment of human culture, the crystallization of wisdom in terms of not only content but also the material existence of the books themselves.

Paper books are life; e-books are survival.

Paper books have become part of our lives, and life will not be replaced by survival.

In the Internet age

The Internet is constantly enriching our vision and hearing. Various variety shows, video applications, online games, and TV movies are constantly cutting our time. Reading electronically, video, and audio, technology are becoming more and more advanced. Social life is changing, times are changing, and old things are constantly being replaced by new ones. However, we still choose to fight against fragmented information, still choose to read realistic type, and still choose to stand firmly on the side of the book. Salvador Plasencia once said, “Readers would be missing an essential material metaphor if they were on a pixel reader.” Electronic reading and video browsing keep us from touching the texture of the text and the temperature of the content. Choosing to read paper books is not only our choice of reading method but also a way to disconnect from the wave of the digital information age.

Comparison of paper books and e-books

When you read a paper book, you will have more concentration and read more attentively.

Those who read e-books tend to be more easily disturbed, not just because they can browse the Internet at any time. Digital readers tend to spend more time scanning keywords rather than the content they are reading. There is no possibility for a person reading a paper book to be distracted by links or a paragraph of text highlighted by others.

The advantage of a paper book is that you can read it repeatedly, and it looks very convenient to flip through the parts that are helpful to you at any time. While e-books offer the convenience of portability, they give more inconveniences. The basic mark points are not easy to find, which is very troublesome.

Paper books can be read quickly by using the fast-reading method. E-books can only be turned page by page, making them very slow to read.


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Salvador Plasencia:How long will paper books survive(2020-09-14)

By Xuan Ke (Sam)

He is a Concordia International University student from China. He is curious, loves writing, and has an unsatiable interest in worldly topics.

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