About StudyCNC

Located in the heart of downtown Vancouver, Canada, Study CNC is a private learning institution offering career training and English language programs.

Concordia Global

ESL Graduates progress to Coop Program

Cloud Nine College (“CNC”) awarded a total of 7 students who successfully entered the Co-Op program after completing up to 6 months of ESL. They

Concordia Global

COVID-19 Safety Measures at CNC

In May, Covid-19 antigen rapid test devices and face masks were provided to everyone who came to the CNC campus. Rapid test kits help prevent

Concordia Global

MyON Reading Contest Winners: May 2022

(In the photo from L-R: Kenshiro Yoshida, Kanato Kotaro, and Maho Yamashita) Concordia International University (CIU) and Cloud Nine College (CNC) have announced the MyON

Concordia Global

Concordians Move Up to Coventry University

In April 2022, additional five students from Concordia International University (CIU) received an offer letter from Coventry University. As a result, these students are progressing

Concordia Global

Update on Indoor Mask Mandate at CNC

It has been over three years since the first COVID-19 cases were confirmed globally. In the beginning, some people may have believed that this disease

Concordia Global

Impacting Student Journey Through Counselling

The extensive partnership between Concordia International University and Cloud Nine College (CNC-CIU) is instrumental in developing a holistic education that supports learners’ academic needs and

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