‘Lens is also a beauty item’.
The early Korean beauty industry appealed to the consumers for basic skin care products with acceptable prices and good quality compared to world-class luxury. Currently, the Korean beauty industry is trying to maintain its` market share through product diversification and meeting the changing beauty trend. Beauty lens is also one of them. Foreign female consumers, who love K-pop and TV stars want to resemble TV stars’ sparkling and pretty eyes as well as clean skin.
Korean beauty lens manufacturers expect their contact lenses to be more popular and considered a major beauty item in the industry. They know that new consumers want to get not only skin beauty but also eye beauty. Therefore, many manufacturers hope to collaborate with K-pop artists to advertise their products.

Contact lens manufacturer INTEROJO is rapidly growing in China market for its` unique brand CLALEN. INTEROJO entered the Chinese market in 2017. At that time, sales stood at 2.4 billion won in the first year because of political trouble, The Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system between the government of Korea and China. However, INTEROJO aggressively progressed marketing campaigns in online markets such as T-mall through its local subsidiaries, growing 150 percent and settling in early Chinese markets. “CLALEN” With its iris-shaped design, two-tone color and the changes in the pupils makes the face more attractive and beautiful. In particular, it has a variety of lenses available for customers ranging from teenagers to individuals in their 30s. It can cover all ages.
The Chinese contact lens market is currently in full swing with global companies to tame the eye beauty market leaders and customers at the growth stage. The contact lens market is a closed developed industry with a high level of technology and large-scale facility investment. Therefore, it is very difficult for fast followers to catch up with the first movers, so competition for preoccupying the market is fierce. INTEROJO is also planning to expand its online market by entering the JD group, which is the greatest distribution platform having a huge impact on China. In addition, the company plans to expand its offline distribution and sales network centered on Shanghai, the economic heart of China. INTEROJO is trying to establish a brand image in China and promote on- and off-line growth.
It also has started to target beauty lens markets based on its pigment-resistant technology and ability to implement various colors in Japan market. It expects to increase its market share by establishing a local subsidiary.
Beauty Hankook , 2017. Lens is also a Major Part of K-Beauty. [online]
Available at: http://www.beautyhankook.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=52118
[access: 17 11 2020].
You Kyung, K., 2019. INTEROJO is Emerging Market Share in China Market Sharply. [online]
Available at: https://news.mt.co.kr/mtview.php?no=2019021809185678810
[access: 17 11 2020].
KIM, S. H., 2019. ‘CLALEN’ with model ‘Suzy’. [photograph]. Market News Post.
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