Category: Student Reporter

Pandemic Effects on the Graphics Card Market

It is an undeniable fact that computers and the internet have become essential elements of our lives as technologies have advanced. A considerable number of

Common cold and its impacts on our bodies

We sometimes catch a cold. The symptoms vary from person to person. Some people experience severe symptoms, while others get mild symptoms. In some cases,

Changes in Developing Countries

Normally, people would think that living in developed countries is better for all. But here is a question, why do the United States, China, and

The Basics of Human Resource Management

The traditional functions of Human Resource Management The stages of Human Resource Planning Difference between Human Resource Management and Personnel Management Personnel Management Personal management

AI’s Effect on the Job Market

Will AI take people’s jobs? Artificial intelligence is a system that can imitate human intelligence to perform tasks and improve performance on its own based

Pesticides, How Harmful Are They?

Is it worth paying more for pesticide-free, organic food?  What is the history of pesticides? Pesticides are chemicals used to improve the growth function of

What the Future Holds for Self-Driving Cars

Prospects of Self-driving Cars Introduction What is a self-driving car? How do self-driving cars work? What are the advantages and disadvantages of self-driving cars? What

How Sleep Affects Our Daily Lives

IntroductionSleep is essential for human beings. The quantity and quality of sleep greatly affect our daily mental and physical condition. Therefore, cutting back on sleep

The Effects of Peer Pressure

What is peer pressure?Peer pressure is the influence of peers or colleagues in the same social group. In detail, peer pressure refers to the effect

How to Be a Successful V-Tuber

IntroductionRecently, there have been a lot of YouTubers, and their variety is rich. Some people do not want to expose their faces to the internet.

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