Why do people put on makeup?

These days, a lot of people wear makeup when they go out, even at home. Makeup became a natural routine, like the acts of breathing and eating. The development of the media has made it easy to see various makeup styles in many countries. Recently, many men have also worn light makeup for self-care. In the past, people viewed men wearing makeup with strange eyes. However, constant media exposure has changed people’s perceptions of men wearing makeup, and more and more people are accepting the fact that it is natural for people, regardless of their gender and age, to wear makeup.

1. When did people start to put on makeup?

Makeup originated in Egypt. The Egyptians were interested in hygiene and health. They used fragrant oil and cream to make their skin soft and clean. The use of eye cosmetics was first recorded around 4,000 B.C. Egyptian women used dark kohl, which is composed of powdered antimony, burnt almonds, and brown clay ocher, to make up their eyes. They used a kind of mud called ‘red ocher’ for their lips, cheeks, and nails. The Ancient Egyptians took great pride in their appearance and cleanliness. Most of them bathed every day, and everyone, regardless of age or gender, put on makeup. Lavender, rosemary, and rose added fragrance to the cosmetics. Cosmetics made from various materials were stored in a small flat-bottomed pot with a flat disk-shaped lid. This is the origin of today’s cosmetics kits (Chaudhri, S.K., and Jain, N.K., 2019).

‘Cosmeta’ is the first term used to describe slaves in Rome. Roman slaves bathed their masters in perfume. So, the bathing slaves were called ‘cosmetas’, which is the origin of the term “cosmetics” today (Chaudhri, S.K., and Jain, N.K., 2019).

The first cosmetics were invented to care for the skin, not to decorate the body. The soap invented by Hittites of Asia Minor is the most important development for skin care. In the Middle Ages, soap was a rather controversial cosmetic. Catholic churches outlawed soap because they felt it was evil to expose the skin when taking a bath. Over the years, studies of bacteria have continued, and the theory of soap has been proven. Only then did people accept the use of soap for skin care (Draelos, Z.D., 2001).

2. The reasons why people put on makeup

The first cosmetics were made and used to manage and protect the body. The Egyptians used oil and cream to protect their skin from the hot sun and dry wind. They believed that eye makeup reduces the sun’s glare, restores poor eyesight, and prevents eye infections. In this way, the cosmetics used for health and hygiene purposes have evolved into decoration. The first evolution was to decorate the skin by coloring the body for hunting and war purposes (Draelos, Z.D., 2001).

Even today, skin whitening symbolizes beauty. In the Middle Ages, the lower classes worked mainly outside because they worked in agriculture. So, they became dark because their bright skin was constantly exposed to the sun. Since the upper class spends more time indoors, their skin could remain white with protection from the sun. Therefore, the highest class in European society had the brightest skin. As a result, European men and women tried to brighten their skin by applying white powder to look like nobles. Later, in the early 1600s, people used cosmetics to cover the wounds left by smallpox. Instead of simply using powder to make the skin look white, they used a ‘foundation’ that functioned as a beauty patch that could hide wounds. In the early 1900s, the theater’s rise made facial cosmetics more popular. The now widely used true face foundation was developed by Max Factor in 1936. The cosmetic he made had the same velvety texture, excellent coverage, and brightened the face color as the foundation currently used (Draelos, Z.D., 2001).

3. The differences between Eastern and Western makeup styles

The Eastern makeup styles

  • Face

Most Easterners lightly paint their skin with bright colors of foundation. Especially these days, transparent makeup without pores is the most popular (Alyaka, 2019).

  • Eyebrows

Eastern women draw their eyebrows in a straight line. This makes them look younger (Alyaka, 2019).

  • Eyes

Many women in and from the East draw their eyeliner down. They prefer the impression that they seem kind. This makeup makes their eyes round. It has a mild effect on their impressions (Alyaka, 2019).

  • Cheeks

It is fashionable to apply a blusher in a circle. It mainly uses peach or pink. This makeup makes people look lively and young (Alyaka, 2019).

  • Lips

The people of the East prefer to paint their lips moist and natural. The most popular colors are baby pink and glossy cherry red. Recently, gradation makeup that applies darker on the inner lips and becomes lighter toward the outside has become popular (Alyaka, 2019).

The Western makeup styles

  • Face

Most Westerners apply a matte foundation to look professional and mature (Alyaka, 2019).

  • Eyebrows

The Western trend is to draw arched eyebrows. This trend has the effect of making their faces more three-dimensional and emphasizing facial lines (Alyaka, 2019).

  • Eyes

Many Western women enjoy smoky makeup. This makeup style creates depth in their eyes and makes them look bigger (Alyaka, 2019).

  • Cheeks

Westerners who find angular faces attractive often do makeup that emphasizes their cheekbones. They put bronzer on their faces and finish with highlights. This makes their cheekbones look more attractive (Alyaka, 2019).

  • Lips

Full lip makeup, which paints the lips as a whole, can be easily seen in the West. They accentuate their lips by applying nude, matte lipstick (Alyaka, 2019).


Cosmetic usage has increased significantly in recent years. People could cover wounds and scars by putting on makeup. Makeup is the key to solving their complexion problems. In addition, it makes their faces more attractive. People gain confidence in their appearance, as it becomes more beautiful than their real faces.

Many studies on cosmetics are underway because the economic reward is greater than in other fields. The development of new raw materials and increased understanding of skin physiology are creating new cosmetics and new markets. The technological advancement of cosmetics has made the area of skincare and the area of adornment coexist. Functional raw materials for skin care, such as moisturizers, exfoliators, and sunscreen, were added to the color cosmetics. As a result, people can do makeup for both adornment and skincare purposes.

However, wearing makeup for a long time can have undesirable effects. If people wear makeup for a long time, cosmetics can block pores and cause pimples. People with sensitive skin can develop dermatitis if they use cosmetics that are not suitable for them. If cosmetics are not properly managed, there is a high possibility of bacterial infection.

Therefore, people should also be aware of proper cosmetic care and proper use for their skin and health, rather than just focusing on cosmetics for adornment.


Alyaka (2019). East Meets West: The Differences Between Asian and Western Makeup. [online] Alyaka. Available at: https://www.alyaka.com/magazine/asian-makeup-vs-western-makeup/  [Accessed 26 August 2022].

Chaudhri, S.K. and Jain, N.K. (2019). History of cosmetics. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics (AJP): Free full text articles from Asian J Pharm, [online] 3(3). Available at: http://asiapharmaceutics.info/index.php/ajp/article/view/260/121  [Accessed 26 August 2022].

Draelos, Z.D. (2001). Overview: cosmetics and the art of adornment. Dermatologic Therapy, 14(3), pp.175–177. doi:10.1046/j.1529-8019.2001.01031.x.

By Yun Ji Cha

She is a Concordia International University Student.

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