Category: Student Reporter

Impacts of Western Influence on Asia

Western culture dominated the world for a very long period and had a significant impact on many nations. This was not a contentious issue until

Educational Inequality

What is educational inequality? One of the most significant problems facing the globe today is educational inequality. The term “educational inequality” describes the unequal distribution

Similarities of Successful People

Many people in the world are considered to be “successful,” such as Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and others. They are all well-known, wealthy,

The Wolf, the most loyal of all animals

In the modern era, an intriguing scientific study conducted by the University of Stockholm and reported in the British daily “Mirror” discovered that certain animals

Legalization of Marijuana

What is marijuana? Marijuana—also known as weed, herb, bud, ganja, pot, grass, Mary Jane, and many more colloquial names for dried Cannabis sativa flowers—is a

How divorce affects children

When a marriage begins to crumble, certain parents find themselves pondering whether they should remain together for the sake of their children. On the other

The issues of democracy and how to overcome them

What is democracy? The term “democracy” originates from the Greek words “demos,” denoting people, and “kratos,” representing power. Therefore, democracy may be referred to as

Psychology Behind Bullying

What drives bullying? Bullying is a common occurrence that often takes place in schools. What usually happens is that bullies slander people, threaten them, make

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