The Wolf, the most loyal of all animals

  1. Wolves’ loyalty to humans

In the modern era, an intriguing scientific study conducted by the University of Stockholm and reported in the British daily “Mirror” discovered that certain animals are far more loyal than dogs.

The study’s experimental findings demonstrate that dogs are more concerned about their genuine family—their other dogs—than they are about their owners. These other dogs are their biological relatives.

Consequently, they carried out this experiment to compare the mentioned animals’ degrees of loyalty.

When wolves and dogs were trained to bring food, the wolf preferred to deliver it to his master, who had grown and cared for him since he was a young boy, while the dogs preferred to deliver it to their little puppy’s family (Dunlop, 2020).

  1. The loyalty a wolf shows to its pack

The bond with a wolf’s family is like that of a human family, where they live together in every detail and form a tight bond. Wolves work cooperatively with their pack to hunt, care for their pups, and protect their territory.

Although wolves are commonly thought of as autonomous, fearsome animals, the truth is that these creatures rely heavily on the collaboration of their pack and the camaraderie among themselves.

Since they are unable to live on their own without the pack, the majority of lone wolves that have been expelled from the group and feel unwelcome everywhere exhibit intense devotion to their pack members (Roaring Nature, 2023).

  1. The loyalty a wolf shows to its mate

Just as wolves are loyal to their masters and companions, they are also very loyal to their mates. Wolves are also famous for being animals that do not cheat until their mate dies.

As the sole breeding pair in their pack, the male and female wolf collaborate to lead their pack and rear the pups that will follow in their wake because they have a close relationship of their own.

Male and female wolves can coexist in packs of gray wolves. The only other couple of wolves in their pack that mate and procreate together is this one. Wolves are devoted to their partners, among other things (Turner, 2023).

  • Experiment result

It has been shown that, when compared to dogs, wolves—who have historically been associated with fear—are the most dependable and caring creatures. Because of this, wolves are seen to be the most heavenly creatures and to be more devoted to both their allies and humans (Dunlop, 2020).

5. Reference

Dunlop, S. (2020). The Top 10 Most Loyal Animals in the World (With Pictures). [online] Animals Home. Available at: [Accessed 25 October 2023].

Roaring Nature. (2023). The 6 Most Loyal Animals in the World. [online] Roaring Nature. Available at: [Accessed 25 October 2023].

Turner, J.F. (2023). 10 Most Loyal Animals to Their Mates – Faithful Animals With Photos. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 October 2023]

By Yena Cho

She is a Concordia International University student.

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