Category: Global

Influence of music

How music affects our minds Music has a powerful effect on our emotional state, affecting our energy levels and cognitive abilities. Music has the capacity

On Human Rights and Detectors of N.Korean

Practical Role to Be Played in Improving North Korean Human Rights Issues and Supporting North Korean Defectors of the Peaceful Unification Advisory Council,Suggested by Dr.

Family Day!

Family Day is a special occasion celebrated in many cultures around the world. In BC, it will celebrate its 12th-annual Family Day of February 19,

How do people get “grit”

When you start something or want to accomplish something, how do you work on it, and what are the consequences? How do you feel at

United Nations and Its Roles and Challenges

The United Nations, founded in 1945, is a widely known international organization whose primary objective is to uphold international peace and security. It is based

How do people become adults?

People grow up, but what does it really mean “to grow up”? Does it just pertain to being able to do adult stuff, such as

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