The impact of social media on modern relationships

Social media has revolutionized modern relationships, fostering both positive and negative impacts. On the one hand, it facilitates effortless communication, enabling partners to stay connected regardless of distance. It also provides opportunities for shared experiences, strengthening bonds through shared interests and activities. However, it can also fuel jealousy, mistrust, and insecurity through excessive monitoring and comparison. The curated nature of social media can create unrealistic expectations, leading to dissatisfaction within relationships. Moreover, the digital realm often blurs boundaries, leading to privacy concerns and boundary violations. Despite its pitfalls, social media offers a platform for expressing love, support, and appreciation publicly. Understanding its dynamics is crucial to navigating its influence on intimacy, trust, and communication within modern relationships. Balancing virtual interactions with real-world connections is key to harnessing the benefits while mitigating the risks of social media in relationships.

The major positive impact of social media on relationships

Social media offers a plethora of positive impacts on relationships, primarily by bridging physical distances. Couples in long-distance relationships, for instance, can maintain regular communication and intimacy through various social platforms. A survey conducted on 1,110 individuals found that 54 percent believed social media significantly aids in communication within long-distance relationships (Shull, 2021). Moreover, it serves as a virtual space where individuals can share their interests and experiences with others, fostering a sense of connection and understanding. With 94 percent of people engaging in content sharing on social media and 42 percent doing so daily, it’s evident that these platforms facilitate sharing moments that were once difficult to convey (Herhold, 2019). Additionally, social media serves as a digital repository of memories, with 75 percent of surveyed individuals acknowledging its role in recalling shared experiences with their partners (Shull, 2021).

Beyond communication and shared experiences, social media provides access to a wealth of resources and support for relationship issues. Expert advice and insights on relationships are readily available online, assisting individuals in navigating challenges and fostering healthy dynamics. Renowned sex and behavioral therapist Chamin Ajjan highlights the accessibility of such resources, underscoring their role in empowering individuals to build and sustain fulfilling relationships (Moore, 2022). By offering guidance and knowledge, social media equips individuals with the tools to address conflicts, enhance communication, and deepen emotional connections within their relationships. Thus, its positive impact extends beyond mere communication, enriching the quality and resilience of modern relationships.

The major negative impact of social media on relationships

Despite its benefits, social media also imposes significant negative impacts on relationships, primarily through the propagation of unrealistic standards and distractions from genuine communication. The curated portrayals of others’ lives on social media platforms often breed feelings of inadequacy and jealousy, contributing to diminished self-esteem and relationship dissatisfaction. Relationship expert Clarissa Silva’s research revealed that 60 percent of social media users reported lower self-esteem, with 50 percent citing detrimental effects on their relationships (Silva, 2017). Moreover, the incessant notifications and constant connectivity inherent in social media can erode the quality of face-to-face interactions. A survey of 4,860 adults in the United States found that 51 percent of respondents felt their partners were frequently distracted by their phones during in-person conversations, leading to feelings of neglect and disconnection (Vogels and Anderson, 2020).

Furthermore, the reliance on text-based communication prevalent in social media interactions exacerbates misunderstandings and conflicts within relationships. Psychologist Maggie Mulqueen highlights the limitations of textual communication, lacking crucial cues such as facial expressions and tone, which often lead to misinterpretations and hurt feelings (Mulqueen, 2019). The absence of nonverbal cues also fosters a breeding ground for dishonesty and passive-aggressive behavior, as individuals find it easier to convey negative emotions or fabricate information behind the shield of anonymity provided by digital communication. Thus, while social media enhances connectivity, its detrimental effects on interpersonal communication and emotional transparency pose significant challenges to the fabric of modern relationships.


In summary, while social media serves as a powerful tool for fostering connections and enriching relationships, it’s essential to recognize both its advantages and pitfalls. On the one hand, social media facilitates invaluable communication across distances, fosters the sharing of experiences, and provides access to expert advice, enhancing the quality of relationships. However, its pervasive influence can negatively impact self-esteem, detract from genuine face-to-face interactions, and exacerbate miscommunication through text-based exchanges. Understanding these dynamics enables individuals to navigate social media’s role in relationships more effectively, fostering healthier and more fulfilling connections. By acknowledging the nuances of social media communication, individuals can harness its benefits while mitigating its potential drawbacks, ultimately enriching their interpersonal bonds and fostering greater intimacy and understanding.


Castillo, L., 2023. ​​Social Media Relationship Statistics And Thrends in 2023. [online] Gitnux. Available at: [Accessed 5 October 2023].

Herhold, K., 2019. How People Interact On Social Media In 2019. [online] THE MANIFEST. Available at: [Accessed 5 October 2023].

Moore, A., 2022. 12 Ways Social Media Affects Relationships, From Research & Experts. [online] mbgrelationships Available at: [Accessed 5 October 2023].

Mulqueen, M., 2019. Texting really is ruining personal relationships. [online] NBC UNIVERSAL Available at: [Accessed 5 October 2023].

             Shull, C., 2021. 50% of Americans say social media is good for their relationship. [online] CentryLinkAvailable at: [Accessed 5 October 2023].

Silva, C., 2017. Social Media’s Impact On Self-Esteem. [online] HUFFPOST. Available at: [Accessed 5 October 2023].

Vogels, E.A. and Anderson, M., 2020. Dating and Relationships in the Digital Age. [online] Pew Research Center. Available at: [Accessed 5 Oct. 2023].

By Ryoto Imai

He is a Concordia International University student.

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