Category: Technology

Procedures to Enhance IT Security

The term “cyber security” refers to a broad range of techniques, tools, and procedures used to defend computer systems, networks, and data against hacker attacks

Air Conditioning in Aviation

When you ride on an airplane, you might see the air vent overhead. All flights are given cool air thanks to it. Have you ever

Solar Energy

What is solar energy? Solar power converts energy from the sun into thermal and electrical energy. Solar energy is the cleanest and most plentiful renewable

How Do Pilots Navigate the Air?

One of the most crucial aspects of pilot safety is navigation. It notifies the pilot which way the planes are flying and where they are

What is a UAM?

UAM, which stands for urban air mobility,” is a new concept of air transportation system that can be operated in high-density cities. The UAM is

What is a Flight Simulator?

Many people have a dream of flying. Unfortunately, not all people can do it. Also, people who need to be trained for piloting need a

Apple Silicon – What is it?

Introduction Apple silicon is a chip designed and made by Apple, and it is made to be used in Apple products. The Apple silicon is

Social Media and Our Mental Health

How does social media affect our mental health? Imagine social media sites like Instagram, Tiktok, or even Snapchat being banned and being disconnected from everyone

Is ChatGPT Good or Bad For Society?

ChatGPT, which stands for generative pretrained transformer, is an open AI system that responds to inquiries using natural language text and pretrained data. It can

The Perception of Cryptocurrency: Bitcoin

Introduction Banking systems lost public trust after the financial crisis in 2008. Since then, cryptocurrencies have been created and have gained attention from societies. Cryptocurrency

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