Is ChatGPT Good or Bad For Society?

ChatGPT, which stands for generative pretrained transformer, is an open AI system that responds to inquiries using natural language text and pretrained data. It can create nearly anything that involves text, such as poetry, novels, academic papers, books, programs, text games, and so on. Furthermore, its replies and results are accurate and difficult to identify as having been created by hand or by ChatGPT.

ChatGPT appears to be very beneficial and helpful for people. However, some unforeseen difficulties are emerging these days. For example, writers are losing their jobs to ChatGPT because it takes humans months or even years to create a book, but ChatGPT can create one in only a few hours. ChatGPT is also a menace to the academic system.

ChatGPT can quickly complete assignments that it is asked to do, and ChatGPT may modify its output style to any type the user desires, making it difficult for teachers to tell if they were completed by students. ChatGPT can also perform reasoning and inference with its huge dataset (Open AI). For example, the ChatGPT can solve the KSAT (Korean Scholastic Ability Test) language part test and received 88/100, placing it in the top 17% of Korean senior high school students; the ChatGPT also received 780–800 points in the TOFEL test; and the ChatGPT can solve 4/10 questions of the Korea NIS (National Intelligence Service) (2023, Seoul Broadcast System, SBS), suggesting that it may be used in the proxy test.

The most harmful aspect of ChatGPT is that it can mislead the general public. Because ChatGPT learns information from the internet, it may provide false news, illegal information, confidential information, or other material that may cause major problems for the user or, in the worst-case scenario, society.

However, it does not simply have disadvantages. ChatGPT can assist us in finding information, providing advice, writing a cover letter, providing a draft of an article, and doing other tasks that require the usage of natural language texts. If we can control and manage what AI does, AI can be beneficial to humanity; if we cannot control AI, the effects would be disastrous.


뉴스S. (2022). 당신은 이 AI보다 수능 점수가 높습니까? / 오목교 전자상가 EP.117. [online] SBS NEWS. Available at: [Accessed 27 March 2023].

뉴스S. (2023). 한국어 능력 대폭 향상된 챗GPT에 국정원 퀴즈 풀게 해봤습니다. 과연 GPT-4는…?! [online] SBS NEWS. Available at: [Accessed 27 March 2023].

Open AI (2023). GPT-4. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 March 2023].

By Daniel Kim

He is a Concordia International University student from South Korea.

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