Ryoto Imai

He is a Concordia International University student.

Author: Ryoto Imai

Can you really trust your “Gut Feelings”?

While trusting one’s gut instincts is frequently advocated, recent research casts doubt on the reliability of intuition in decision-making. Studies have unearthed biases that can

The Practical Use of Music in Study Sessions

While certain individuals opt for silent study environments, others find studying alongside music beneficial. Music serves multiple purposes, enhancing mood, aiding concentration, and stimulating motivation

Smartphone Use and Child Development

When deciding on supplying smartphones to children, evaluating their impact involves considering not just children’s usage but also parental behavior around smartphones. Research suggests parental

Does multitasking lower our IQ?

Multitasking harms our brains and performance. Engaging in multitasking poses detrimental effects on both brain function and task performance, as evidenced by numerous studies conducted

Could brown noise revolutionize education?

Brown noise, characterized by lower tones akin to thunder or wind, has garnered attention for its potential benefits, particularly for individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Universe 25

In 1968, biologist John Calhoun initiated Universe 25, a groundbreaking series of experiments at Maryland’s National Institute of Mental Health. These meticulously crafted studies aimed

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