Ryoto Imai

He is a Concordia International University student.

Author: Ryoto Imai

How does playing games change our mental health?

The impact of gaming on mental health is multifaceted and increasingly recognized. A comprehensive global survey encompassing 13,000 players across 12 countries illuminated significant insights

How Do We Respond to Trauma?

What occurs if a person is subjected to physical violence for an extended period of time, such as burning, beating, or struggling? One out of

How Do Breakups Affect Our Brains?

Anyone has a chance to experience breakups at least once in their life. According to the study, over 85% of individuals encounter a significant breakup

Social Media and Our Mental Health

How does social media affect our mental health? Imagine social media sites like Instagram, Tiktok, or even Snapchat being banned and being disconnected from everyone

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