Daniel Kim

He is a Concordia International University student from South Korea.

Author: Daniel Kim

The Photography Revolution: Polaroid’s Story

Early Photography The history of photography dates back to the 19th century. Back then, shooting pictures required a lengthy and difficult process. Large, heavy cameras

Renewable energy

As a promising means of producing electricity from sustainable sources like the sun, wind, waves, and tides, renewable energy is becoming more and more popular.

What is turbulence?

Turbulence wakes passengers up, scares them, or even harms them, and for those reasons, many people have a phobia of turbulence, worrying that their plane

The Science and History of Tempered Glass

When we think of glass, we automatically imagine that it can be broken with a hammer. Tempered glass, on the other hand, has a special quality in that it fractures the entire piece even if just a little portion of the tip breaks, and it does not break sharply. The invention of tempered glass started with understanding the mechanism of Prince Rupert’s drop. Prince Rupert of the Rhine discovered this glass in

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