Advantages of Being a Minimalist


This world is full of things, as well as a lot of consumption and waste. We live in a world of mass production and mass consumption. Have you ever felt stressed in a situation like this?

Have you heard the term “minimalist” before? In recent years, it has become a common phrase in Japan. It is a way of life in which people live luxuriously while surrounded by few possessions. Why not reevaluate what you need in this world that is overflowing with things and experience a new sense of abundance?

This article will explain what happens when you become a minimalist!

What is a minimalist?

What does it mean to live a minimalist lifestyle? The solution is to live a minimalist lifestyle. Minimalism simply means “living with less or nothing.” It means reducing the number of visible things and increasing the number of invisible things that bring happiness. However, there are no detailed rules for minimalism.

And if you live a minimalist life based on minimalism, you will live your days with more peace, more freedom, and less stress (Marissa, 2020).

What is to be gained by becoming a minimalist?

Being a minimalist has several advantages.

Setting priorities is the first and most important step in becoming a minimalist. Consider carefully what you require, what you do not require, and how much time you will devote to each item.

If you’re having trouble deciding, divide your options into the following categories:


Will they be a good influence on you, are they very trustworthy and respectful, or will they be a bad influence on you, and should you keep an appropriate distance from them?


Do they enrich your life, are they essential for your survival, or can you live without them?


How much money do you spend on various things in your daily life, and how much can you translate it into your life?


What is rewarding for you? Can you balance quality work with an ideal life?


How would you like to spend your time, and how would you like to spend it with the time you have left over after rethinking how you spend your time (Ofei, 2022)?

And now that you have considered and prioritized the five factors just mentioned, you have become a minimalist, and you will have the following wonderful benefits:

  • lower and fewer daily expenses
  • a more environmentally friendly life
  • no more stress and mental instability
  • less time and effort spent cleaning your room

According to Marissa (2020), you will have less stuff, fewer relationships to think about, and less work to do. You will be in a healthier state of mind and body, and you will be able to focus on what is important to you and make better use of your time for what you really want to do and what enriches your life. And you will be more productive, more joyful, and more imaginative, won’t you?

Becoming a minimalist has a positive impact not only on your careful selection of things, but also your physical and mental health and the environment.


Marissa (2020). What is Minimalism? 10 Simple Principles for Beginner Minimalists. [online] A to Zen Life. Available at: [Accessed 4 February 2023].

By Shunya Irisawa

He is a Concordia International University student.

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