Why Join the ROTC?


A system called the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) exists in the United States. It is a program that provides students with an opportunity to study and serve after the completion of their degree or to take part in the program briefly without having a post-college commitment. But what are the actual benefits for students?

What is ROTC?

The Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) is a system in which young adults are trained and developed in the basics of Military Service in order to produce capable reservists. The ROTC system is established on 274 different college campuses in the United States. However, in the US and many other countries, joining the military is by no means a requirement.

What are the benefits of the ROTC?

Here are some of the benefits of participating in the ROTC:

  • Obtain Scholarship benefits

Scholarships are available in the ROTC system. You can register whether you are a prospective or current student. Depending on the grade level, students may be able to continue receiving scholarships by passing an interview or test. Students who are not interested in joining the military may also be eligible.

  • Receive a $420-a-month stipend

If you participate in the ROTC, you are eligible for a scholarship. Not only will you be paid $420 per month, but you will also receive $1,200 per year for commuting and college textbooks.

  • Build leadership skills

The ROTC is a great way to improve your leadership skills. Whether it is learning how to organize and lead a large group of people or developing skills in planning and executing a community volunteer project, there is no better way to improve your leadership skills than through ROTC.

  • Attend challenging training and internships

In addition to basic military training, the ROTC offers advanced training and experience in foreign military training. In addition, ROTC participants have a wide variety of internship opportunities and can gain a lot of experience.

  • Improve your physical fitness

The ROTC has its own fitness program gym. In addition, cadets or instructors are available to provide more innovative and progressive training. Therefore, you don’t have to pay a fortune to exercise.

  • Serve a cause bigger than yourself

The ROTC program is a breakthrough for those who want to work toward some larger goal or purpose. You can get involved in volunteer-scale events on campus or in the community and experience what you can only get there.

  • Have a well-paying job after graduation

Finding a well-paying job is not easy. However, ROTC students are paid well when they are commissioned as officers after graduation. In addition, social security and retirement benefits are available, so there is no need to worry about living expenses. Furthermore, as an officer, you can earn a salary close to six figures four years after graduation (jstafford, 2019).


The ROTC is an attractive program for students, as it provides them with multiple opportunities, including scholarships, knowledge of military service, and a variety of experiences.


J Stafford (2019). Top 10 Reasons to Join ROTC. [online] inside.ewu.edu. Available at: https://inside.ewu.edu/rotc/top-10-reasons-to-join-rotc/ [Accessed 22 November 2022].

By Shunya Irisawa

He is a Concordia International University student.

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