English Education Internationally


These days, English education is practiced in many countries, and it is spoken by many people all over the world. In Japan, too, English is taught from elementary school, but the number of Japanese who can speak English freely is less than that of other countries. What makes English education in Japan different from English education in other countries?

Differences between English education in Japan and overseas

English education in Japan
  • Focus on grammar

English education in Japan is test-oriented and focuses on grammar and writing. Therefore, it is not for future careers and skills but to get high grades and pass entrance exams for universities (Gabriel, 2016).

  • There are few opportunities to come into contact with English

Japanese students tend to lose interest in language because they spend less time in class and in textbooks. To improve this problem, the number of English classes has been increased, and English education has been implemented from an early age (Gabriel, 2016).

  • Lack of continuity in school

There is no continuity in the English education curriculum when translating from elementary school to junior high school and from junior high school to high school (Gabriel, 2016).

  • Quality of teaching

Most English teachers in Japan teach English in Japanese. In addition, teachers make sure that students can translate English correctly. All teachers are obliged to pass an exam to improve their lack of knowledge and experience. Moreover, the government provides opportunities to train English teachers and dispatches ALTs (Gabriel, 2016).

English education in other countries

English education is practiced in many countries as a second language. However, most of them are different from Japan’s. Many foreigners can speak English better than Japanese because the English education of other countries focuses on being able to use English in the future. So, a lot of classes focus on conversation rather than grammar. Moreover, English classes start earlier and the class hours are longer, so people in other countries can receive a higher quality English education than in Japan.

Need for English education

(For how long will English be the world language)

  • More opportunities to be active in society

We can communicate with people all over the world by speaking English because we can connect with the world using Zoom, Skype, and so on. We will be able to travel abroad on our own (English100, 2021).

  • Useful for work

If people can speak English, there are opportunities to make money even in times of economic crisis because being able to speak English will help them in any job. Moreover, there are more companies that will give us a job compared to those who do not speak English. Speaking English is a big advantage so people can prove themselves to be the best applicant than anyone with a dream (English100, 2021).

  • Better enjoy subtitles, TV and news programs

We can enjoy using English by learning it as a second language because it will allow us to understand the contents of English movies, shows, etc. (English100, 2021).

  • Can improve concentration and confidence

It is difficult to learn new things, but it has a positive effect on the brain. There are many benefits, such as being able to solve problems quickly and think about things faster. Moreover, due to learning a second language, we will be able to express our thoughts honestly even in an unfamiliar environment, which will give us confidence (English100, 2021).

  • Useful in international business

Globalization is progressing, and there are opportunities to use English in various situations. If people are working on an international project, negotiations on goods and services often take place locally, where international exchange takes place. English is the official language used in many fields, so it is very useful for employment, learning other languages, medicine, and so on (English100, 2021).

  • Activates the brain

Learning English keeps our brain smart, which can help prevent diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. In addition, we will be able to understand more quickly, so we can quickly find answers and solutions to problems (English100, 2021).


English is very useful because if we are able to speak it, we can connect with many people all over the world. In addition, people will have more opportunities to play an active role because they can appeal to themselves in their work and job-hunting activities. In recent years, globalization has progressed, and connections with people overseas have increased. If English education in Japan has become more active, many people can speak English, so we will be able to play an active role overseas.


Gabriel, J. (2016). English education in Japan: Challenges and changes. [online] Gengo. Available at: <https://gengo.com/language-and-culture/english-education-japan-challenges-changes/> [Accessed 12 November 2022].

English100 (2021). The 14 Benefits of Learning English – English 100. [online] Learn English lessons. Available at: <https://learnenglish100.com/benefits-of-learning-english/> [Accessed 15 November 2022].

By Manase Sato

She is a Concordia International University student.

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