Do Guppy Fish Make Good Pets?

What is a guppy fish?

Small, quiet, and reserved, the guppy fish is a species of fish that prefers the security and camaraderie of swimming in bunches. The most popular fish people purchase for their pets are guppies. Additionally, they come in a range of hues and designs, as well as lengths and styles. Their tail types, colors, and eye colors are used to categorize them.

What’s so special about a guppy fish?

They don’t produce eggs like other fish do. Instead, they give birth to live young. Unlike the majority of other fish, guppies are livebearers, which means that they give birth to live fry instead of eggs. Guppies have spread over the planet since they were first discovered in South America.

Can guppies be kept as pets?

Yes, they can. If you wanted to keep guppies as pets, you wouldn’t need a large aquarium because they don’t require much room. One guppy per gallon of water is the general rule of thumb. So, you can purchase a tank small enough to be placed on your desk or bookshelf if you only want a few gorgeous fish. Guppies are inexpensive pets that require little upkeep. They also require little maintenance. Guppies are remarkably simple to maintain. They are content as long as you keep the tank clean and give them food. They are excellent at repelling mosquitoes. If you can, give them a friend or two.


Guppies get along well with a variety of other non-aggressive fish species since they are calm, easy-going community fish. Guppies should typically be kept in groups. Additionally, you should keep at least three guppies in a tank that is at least five gallons in size. You are allowed to keep more than a trio of guppies but will also need to expand the capacity of your aquarium. They also consume some of the algae in the aquarium. They can’t completely scrape off the algae because they are not ferocious feeders of algae. To keep the tank clean, you must have guppies as well as algae-eating fish like bristlenose plecos, Siamese algae eaters, etc.


Team, Kidadl. “Fun Guppy Facts for Kids | Kidadl.”, 5 Aug. 2021, [Accessed 29 September 2022].

Twitter, and San Luis Obispo California Polytechnic State University. “5 Reasons Why Guppies Are the Perfect Pet.” Treehugger, 16 May 2020, [Accessed 29 Sept. 2022].

By Chaerin Yoo

She is a Concordia International School Student

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