The Role of Advertisement

What is the history of advertising?

In the past, when there were no advertisements as we know them, the seller verbally explained the product to promote it to the customer. However, rather than promoting the product verbally, the promotion method of using signs benefited the seller greatly with increased sales. Starting with the promotion method using signs, the area of advertising has expanded through print advertisements and digital advertisements with the development of science and technology. In the 1980s, television was developed to increase the accessibility of advertisements to customers, which allowed more advertisements to reach customers. Currently, advertisements using the Internet are easily accessible to people all over the world (Bhasin, 2020).

What kind of role does music play in advertising?

Advertising uses images and music to increase the customers’ interest in a product. In particular, advertisements make customers aware of the connection between brands and music. In other words, music includes the identity of the brand. In addition, customers increase the connection between brands and music to the human brain through music stimulation. Through this role of music, customers increase their memory of products and induce interest so that advertisements remain in the customers’ memories for a long time (Gilliland, 2018).

What psychology works in advertising?

Advertising stimulates customers’ psychology through various images and methods to induce them to purchase products. In other words, advertising predicts the customer’s psychology in advance and thinks about which method affects the purchase result of the product. First, advertising uses authority to provide trust for customers. Second, using the price sensitivity method, it is possible to understand how the customer’s psychology changes according to the price change of the product, and to understand market demand. Third, by advertising scarcity products such as limited editions, the brand’s image is raised by presenting scarcity values to customers (Wintermeier, 2019). Using various psychological advertising methods, companies benefit from raising their brand image and increasing customers’ interest in their products.

What are the problems when advertising hides the disadvantages of a product?

Advertising tries to hide the shortcomings of the product or to benefit from false advertising so that customers can purchase many products. Because this method hides the product’s shortcomings from the customer, it can gain high interest from the customer and be a good direction temporarily. However, this method is a bad one because it can adversely affect customers and cause them to lose trust in the product and the company. In addition, if consumers experience side effects because they were not informed of the product’s downsides, there will be a higher cost to solve them (LaMarco, 2018). Therefore, advertisements should provide explanations so that consumers can know both the advantages and disadvantages of each product.


Through the development of science and technology, the method of promoting advertisements has also changed, and through this, the accessibility of advertisements to consumers has increased. In addition, advertisements has increased consumers’ interest in products, using music and psychological methods, and encouraged them to purchase products. However, if advertising hides its shortcomings and promotes them, it loses the trust of customers and has to spend a lot of money on side effects. Therefore, advertising should present the advantages and the disadvantages to consumers and strive to maintain their customers’ trust.


Bhasin, H. (2020). History of Advertising: Definition and Complete Timeline. [online] Marketing91. Available at: [Accessed 14 October 2022].

Gilliland, N. (2018). Econsultancy. [online] Econsultancy. Available at: [Accessed 14 October 2022].

LaMarco, N. (2018). Negative Effects of False Advertising. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 October 2022].

Wintermeier, N. (2019). 46 Psychological Marketing Examples for Smarter Marketing. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 October 2022].

By Hyein Moon

She is a Concordia International University student.

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