Yun Ji Cha

She is a Concordia International University Student.

Author: Yun Ji Cha

A Study On the Use of Big Data

The definition of Big Data As the Internet development, data is being generated and transmitted rapidly. Internet browsing, using apps, and using simple mobile devices

A Brief Overview of Accounting

What is accounting? Accounting is the organization and summary of financial data for a business. It includes financial data analysis and company financial audits. It

Sustainability in Architecture

What is sustainability in architecture? Sustainable architecture is a development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations

The Psychology of Colors

Can color affect our mood? Color can be a non-verbal communication method that informs people’s emotions and actions. Color can affect a person’s mood and

How Do Smartphones Affect Our Brains?

How has the smartphone changed our lives? The advent of smartphones has changed our lives a lot. The device provided people with unprecedented experience and

The Sleep Benefits From Exercise

Why does exercise help us sleep better? The relationship between exercise and sleep has long been studied. According to previous studies, proper exercise helps relieve

Wax Worms

Introduction The production and development of thousands of new plastic products have accelerated, and we cannot imagine living without plastic today. Plastic has made people’s

The Leaves of Autumn

Why do leaves change color in autumn? Leaves produce nutrients for trees through a process called photosynthesis. Trees absorb sunlight,water, and carbon dioxide and turn

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