Can Facebook improve people’s quality of life?

Facebook has evolved into one of the most important social media companies, and today, the most valuable corporation in the world, with over 2 billion users. On February 4, 2004, Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook, a social media website that was originally created to connect Harvard students. Social media accounted for over a thousand people the next day, but it was just the beginning. Facebook’s origins have been scrutinized based on the popular 2010 film The Social Network, but the origin of the idea is unclear. However, as soon as Facebook started, most universities in the United States used it, and angel investor Peter Thiel invested $500,000 to increase the company’s value. Facebook has reached a stage of high Internet use, accounting for the largest amount of ad revenue and more than half of the overall market share ( Editors, 2019).

Status of people around the world who use Facebook

Facebook currently has 2.912 billion users this year, 2022, and is the most active social media site in the world. According to Facebook’s latest  investor earnings report, Facebook users have grown over the past three months. These latest figures indicate that 36.8% of the world’s population are users of this social media (DATAREPORTAL, 2021).

Facebook abuse cases

Cases of abuse through social media are increasing. At the core of these problems is Facebook. According to BBC News reports, there have been instances in which an anonymous person shared child abuse videos on Facebook, harming many young people. Due to the revelations, the US Congress said that Facebook’s platforms could harm children and create divisions. Also, Facebook said the small and complex software teams that could stop the distribution of these videos are complex. To ensure that abuse cases do not happen next time, Facebook must improve its software teams and create software that can accurately regulate videos (Whistleblower: Facebook’s response to child abuse ‘inadequate’, 2021).

In another case, Facebook’s emoticons were synthesized to directly create gender-related issues. Using these emoticons and malicious comments to find people of the opposite sex is rising. This case puts many people at risk and is negative for children’s mental health. That is why Facebook improves its security and post-handling capabilities. Therefore, victims do not come one after another (Putnam, n.d.).

The benefits Facebook brings to people

Facebook assists many individuals and companies in creating their brands. It also serves as a major entertainment form for people around the world. Facebook is leading people’s lives in a better direction in different ways.

Firstly, people can connect with family, friends, and co-workers through Facebook, and it allows them to meet new people. It is also easy to find people who match their interests and communicate with them through wall updates and private messages. These encounters allow people to share hobbies and provoke their interests.

Moreover, people can build great relationships with others who have a particular taste or interest because Facebook is the world’s largest social media platform where everyone is encouraged to connect. Many companies can successfully achieve marketing by selling products and services to customers. Enterprises can also enhance their brand value, as this social media allows for the building of partnerships between various projects.

Lastly, through Facebook, people can see the latest news briefly and get various information quickly. So, people around the world can check the local and international trends and apply the information to their jobs and develop their company (Rahul, 2018).


Facebook does not have exact origins, but it arose from the creativity of Mark Zuckerberg, and while abuses exist on this social media, preventing these abuses and maximizing their strengths can have a positive impact on people. Facebook must continue to generate ideas and develop solutions for overcoming these shortcomings.

References Editors (2019). Facebook launches. [online] HISTORY. Available at:

‌DATAREPORTAL (2021). The Latest Facebook Stats: Everything You Need to Know. [online] DataReportal – Global Digital Insights. Available at:

‌Whistleblower: Facebook’s response to child abuse ‘inadequate’. (2021). BBC News. [online] 28 Oct. Available at: [Accessed 2 Apr. 2022].

Putnam, L. (n.d.). Facebook Has a Child Predation Problem. [online] Wired. Available at: [Accessed 2 Apr. 2022].

‌Rahul (2018). Advantages and Disadvantages of Facebook. [online] ShoutMeLoud. Available at:

By Chung Hyeon Kim

I have experience learning business administration which has a close relationship with the most knowledge of capitalist society in the past.

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