CIC Newsletter Volume 16 – In Focus – THE RIGHT ACADEMIC PARTNER

Concordia International College represented by its President Violeta Jerusalem and
Dae Han International College of Business and Technology represented by
its Chairman Hyun
Mook Cho signed the Memorandum Of Understanding
between the two colleges   to initiate an academic partnership so that both
Colleges can cooperate and work together toward the internationalization of

The partnership marks one of the  highlights in the history of Concordia Global
where students in the programs  shall receive a Dual Certification from both
Colleges .  Hence, graduates gain a global competitive edge to the changing
educational marketplace today.

The partnership signals the organizational development of Dae Han College
as  Concordia provides the structure for its “start up”.  Developing systems
and culture in 
Dae Han College  will be both significantly  challenging
and rewarding  on the areas of  curriculum and accreditation.
Faced with the challenges in the 21st century learning, the
programs   starting 2014 forward   provide solid foundations
aimed at preparing students for the world of work in a holistic approach.

Both colleges will chart destiny and give commitment to diligently
lead the way to E- Learning education in achieving the best for the students.
The areas of cooperation and partnership include the following Diploma courses:

  One Year Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management

–  TEC (Teaching English to Children)  

  ESL (English Course as a Secondary Language)

  TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)

–  Diploma in Translation and Interpretation

By Will lee

He is a Concordia International University student from Korea.

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