What is technology addiction?

Continuous advances in new technologies and the Internet have created new types of addiction. This new addiction has far-reaching implications for children and adults. But the impact on teenagers growing up with these new technologies is especially evident. Technology addiction refers to excessive or more use than necessary due to the benefits and convenience provided by advanced technology. In modern society, the Internet and devices that make it available are useful to people in many ways, but excessive reliance on technology can have a negative impact on human life.

What makes technology addictive?

In modern society, people using convenient technologies and devices that enable the Internet are at risk of addiction because they meet people’s needs efficiently and easily. For example, in the past, if a person suddenly had a question while riding a bus, he or she used to solve it by referring to books upon arriving home. But now, people can answer their questions with a cell phone on the bus. The development of these technologies provides convenience and efficiency for people, but excessive use can lead to addiction. There are some factors that encourage humans to become addicted to technology.

  • The Internet – It is the best multifunctional tool invented by humans that connects the world together and makes it easy to access huge amounts of information. People can easily access the Internet with various devices and acquire various news or information. However, people tend to feel the need to use the Internet continuously to avoid FOMO, or fear of missing out, one of the phenomena that appear in modern people these days. For this reason, people tend to get too much access to the Internet and even become addicted.
  • Video and computer games – One of the psychological characteristics of humans is the desire to feel autonomous, competent, and related to others. Video games are examples of media that can satisfy these human psychological needs. Video and computer games allow players to feel that they are competent. In addition, it stimulates players’ autonomy by providing players with a variety of options in the game. It also induces escape to the digital world by allowing a player to create a more attractive or new identity with game characters that are different from what they really are in real life. These characteristics of video games are fatal factors that make people addicted to video games.
  • Smartphones and tablets – The advent of smartphones and tablets has removed the time and space constraints needed to access the Internet in the past. These devices make it easy for people to approach the Intern, and further promote addiction.
  • Social media – Social media, such as YouTube and Facebook, are the easiest and most widely used tool for users to share their personal information. In addition, the advantage of being able to communicate with celebrities by following them satisfies people’s desire for relationships. Since humans are social animals, continuous contact with humans is necessary for psychological health. Social media is easy to become addicted to because it satisfies the desire for human relationships without direct contact or restrictions.

How does technology addiction affect humans?

It is a widely known fact that technology addiction can cause sleep disorders, social isolation, a decline in social and emotional intelligence, and a lack of attention. Scientific research on technology addiction has shown that it can also affect the human brain and cognitive abilities. The longer humans sit in front of the screen, the more neurological changes occur in the brain. These changes are noticeably clear, and studies have reported that technology addiction can be as harmful to humans as drug addiction. The following describes the physical and psychological effects that excessive use of smartphones, tablets, video games, and the Internet can have on humans:

  • Psychological effects
  • Social isolation – Modern technologies, such as social media, have been created to bring people together, but there are cases where adverse effects occur. According to a 2017 study of adolescents, people who frequently used social media were more than three times more likely to feel social isolation than those who did not.
  • Depression and anxiety – As explained above, FOMO, a common phenomenon in people these days, is a symptom of psychological anxiety when a person who frequently uses social media cannot interact with others online. The higher the dependence on modern technology, the deeper the FOMO phenomenon may be.
  • Physical effects
  • Sleep disorders – Using a computer, smartphone, or tablet before a person goes to sleep can cause sleep disorders. A 2014 study found that blue light from electronic devices interferes with people’s sleep cycles, making it harder to fall asleep.
  • Poor posture and reduced physical activity – The use of modern technology can be one of the causes of many people’s bad posture. The posture in which the head is lowered while looking down at the screen can put unnecessary pressure on his or her neck and spine. A five-year study found a link between people’s neck and back pain and cell phone use. In addition, most digital technologies are used in sedentary situations, which also contribute to reduced physical activity. Due to this decrease in physical activity, excessive use of electronic devices can cause various diseases such as obesity and cardiovascular disease.

Solutions to Technology Addiction

The solution to technology addiction is balance. This balance depends on the will of the people. People who sit on the screen too long or use their cell phones too much need to try to change for a balanced life. For example, reading a book, doing homework, or doing something can be a way to make it a habit to focus on a single task by turning off digital devices. Another method may attempt to set a place and time to be separated from the electronic devices. It limits the use of digital devices by setting a specific time, such as meal time or an hour before bedtime, and a specific area, such as a car or bed. These efforts can help people pursue a balanced and healthy life with the use of digital technology.


Modern technology enables us to work conveniently and efficiently. If technology is used properly through a balanced life, productive activities will be possible rather than deteriorated by technology addiction.


Johnson, J. (2020). Negative effects of technology: Psychological, social, and health. [online] www.medicalnewstoday.com. Available at: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/negative-effects-of-technology#in-children [Accessed 27 June 2022].

Tyler, M. (2014). Video Game and Technology Addiction. [online] Healthline. Available at: https://www.healthline.com/health/addiction/gaming-and-technology#treatment [Accessed 27 June 2022].

Lynch, M. (2019). Technology Addiction: Concern, Debates, and Finding Balance – The Tech Edvocate. [online] The Tech Edvocate. Available at: https://www.thetechedvocate.org/technology-addiction-concern-debates-and-finding-balance/ [Accessed 27 June 2022].

By Jeongsoo Kim

I am Jeongsoo Kim, a 30-year-old business owner and current student from South Korea. I have been studying business management at Concordia International University since October 2021.

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