Seungmin Kang

Richard Seungmin Kang is a Korean born and raised on Jeju Island and a Foundation program student at Concordia International University studying Business. His interests include primary sources, chess, languages, and controversial issues. He is a frequent participant in Model United Nations and debate competitions. With a goal of earning a Ph.D. in History, he intends to major in History in college.

Author: Seungmin Kang

Hebrew Numerology

Hebrew numerology, also known as Gematria, is the study of the numerical values of the Hebrew letters in the Torah and other Jewish texts. Each

Renaissance Fashion

The Renaissance was a period of great cultural and artistic flourishing that took place in Europe from the 14th to the 17th century. It was

Capital Punishment and Confucianism

Capital punishment, also known as the death penalty, is the practice of executing individuals who have been convicted of certain crimes. The question of whether

Materials for a Fountain Pen’s Barrel

There have been various materials used as writing instruments in the history of mankind. From reeds to plastic, our ancestors have used numerous materials as

Recommended Materials for Fountain Pen Nibs

There have been various materials used as writing instruments in the history of mankind. From reed to plastic, our ancestors have used numerous materials for

The King of the Beasts

It is easy to see a lion being displayed as ‘king of the beasts’. For example, numerous European royal families and Dukes used the lion

The Impact of World War II

There have been numerous international issues that have had a great impact on our lives. World War I has improved the world in several ways,

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