Category: Student Reporter

The Science and History of Tempered Glass

When we think of glass, we automatically imagine that it can be broken with a hammer. Tempered glass, on the other hand, has a special quality in that it fractures the entire piece even if just a little portion of the tip breaks, and it does not break sharply. The invention of tempered glass started with understanding the mechanism of Prince Rupert’s drop. Prince Rupert of the Rhine discovered this glass in

Rapid Advancements in Chatbots and AIs

People have been using the internet to find the information they need since 1990, when a student at McGill University created the first search engine

Unraveling Misophonia: The Hatred of Sound

These days, people are constantly exposed to loud noises, and the majority of people are accustomed to them, so they won’t feel very uncomfortable. The

Influence of Japanese art in the Western world

Japanese art has had a profound impact on the Western art world, inspiring and influencing artists across various mediums. This article examines the dynamic relationship

Why did the UK leave the EU?

What is the EU? The European Union originated from a series of treaties signed after World War II, with the initial objective of promoting economic

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