Yusuke Okamoto

He is a Concordia International University student.

Author: Yusuke Okamoto

What is Steve Jobs Famous For?

Introduction Steve Jobs, during his brief existence, revolutionized the world in manners that we are only now starting to grasp. He possessed the qualities of

What Causes World Hunger?

The current state of world hunger is reaching unprecedented levels, with a staggering 811 million people worldwide suffering from chronic hunger as of 2022, while

Is Remote Work the Future of Office Jobs?

What is remote work? According to Remote Year (2022), remote work is defined as a type of work arrangement that allows professionals to perform their

The Effects of Fast Fashion

What is fast fashion? The term fast fashion can be best defined as inexpensive, trendy clothing that takes ideas sampled from the catwalk and celebrity

Christmas – a Global Holiday

Why did we start celebrating Christmas? In the United States, 85% of people celebrate Christmas. Here is how Christmas began and why we have this

Anime – Japanese Animation

What is anime? Anime is a style of Japanese animation created under the influence of manga and anime. The term is used to describe all

Solar Energy

What is solar energy? Solar power converts energy from the sun into thermal and electrical energy. Solar energy is the cleanest and most plentiful renewable

Why We Get Tired When Hot

When you go out on a hot day, you get weary quickly. But why is it that hot heat makes you sleepy? The reason for

Climate Change and Health

Introduction Climate change is one of the issues that everyone should be concerned about. We should think hard about what we can do while our


Introduction In today’s society, people are more likely to contract a variety of diseases as they spend time in different environments. One such illness is

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