Yubeom Jeon

He is a Concordia International University student.

Author: Yubeom Jeon

What is cognitive psychology?

Cognitive psychology, a prominent field emerging between the 1950s and 1970s, is integral to comprehending the complexities of the human mind. This branch of psychology

Lasting Effects of Childhood Trauma

Childhood trauma is a pervasive issue, encompassing a wide range of distressing experiences that can leave lasting emotional and psychological scars. These traumatic events, ranging

Why Glaciers Are Global Issues

How fast are the glaciers melting? According to a recent study, the Arctic is forecast to be virtually completely free of floating ice by the

The Psychology of Addiction

What defines addiction psychologically? Understanding addiction from a psychological standpoint reveals the intricate dynamics at play. Addiction is characterized by compulsive engagement in a behavior

Differences between Psychopatahs and Sociopaths

What is psychopathy? Psychopathy, often conflated with sociopathy, is a complex personality disorder characterized by a distinct set of traits and behaviors. Though not officially

How does the process of going insane work?

What classifies a person as insane? Before anything else, it’s crucial to acknowledge that the term “insane” lacks a precise technical definition. All conditions originating

What makes anxiety dangerous?

Signs of anxiety Anxiety disorder, commonly known as just anxiety, is the most common type of mental disorder. But as common as it is, less

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