The History of Digital Marketing and Its Meaning

Marketing is the term used to describe a company’s efforts to attract customers to its products or services through persuasive messaging, which companies do to provide consumers and potential customers with independent value through content. Companies do marketing with the ultimate objectives of increasing sales, fostering brand loyalty, and demonstrating the product’s value. Another part of marketing is creating interest in a company’s products or services. This creation of interest is achieved through researching and analyzing the market, as well as by looking into the ideal client’s interests. Generally, marketing is interconnected with every aspect of a firm, including sales, advertising, distribution plans, and product development (Monnappa, 2023).

History of Digital Marketing

The phrase “digital marketing” originated in the 1990s, following the digital era that started with the advent of the Internet and the development of the Web 1.0 platform. The Web 1.0 framework allowed users to search for content but not distribute it online. Before, internet platforms made marketers nervous throughout the world, as they weren’t sure if their tactics would be effective because the internet had not yet become extensively used because personal computers were not as affordable as they are now. 

The first clickable banner was released in 1993, and Hotwired purchased a few banner ads to sell. This marked the start of the transition to the digital era of marketing. Because of this slow transformation, in 1994, new technologies entered the digital marketplace. The same year, Yahoo was launched.

About a million hits were received by Yahoo in its first year of operation. Yahoo is frequently referred to as “Jerry’s Guide to the World Wide Web” after its creator, Jerry Yang. Consequently, companies revamped their online presence to get a higher search engine ranking, profoundly changing the digital marketing terrain. In 1996, HotBot, LookSmart, and Alexa were among the new search engines and tools introduced.

Google was founded in 1998. Microsoft launched the MSN search engine, while Yahoo introduced the Yahoo web search. Two years later, the internet bubble burst, and all of the smaller search engines were either left behind or killed out, freeing up more room for the industry’s titans. The digital marketing industry had its first significant boom in 2006, when search engine traffic was believed to have increased to over 6.4 billion in a single month. Not to be left behind, Microsoft shelved MSN and established Live Search to compete with Google and Yahoo.

Then came Web 2.0, which allowed individuals to become more active participants rather than passive users. Web 2.0 enabled users to communicate with one another as well as companies. Labels like ‘Super Information Highway’ began to be attached to the internet. As a result, information flow volumes, including channels used by digital marketers, expanded dramatically, and by 2004, internet advertising and marketing in the United States alone generated over $2.9 billion.

Soon, social networking sites emerged. MySpace was the first social networking site to appear, quickly followed by Facebook. Many businesses saw that all of these new websites were opening up new avenues for marketing their products and brands. It created new business opportunities and marked the start of a new era in business. With additional resources, they sought new ways to market their businesses and leverage the social networking platform.

The cookie was another key milestone in the digital marketing industry. Advertisers began to look at new ways to benefit from the burgeoning technology. One such method was to track the browsing habits and patterns of frequent internet users to tailor promotions and marketing materials to their interests. The first cookie was created to track user behaviors. Cookie use has evolved, and cookies nowadays are programmed to provide advertisers with several ways to capture literal user data.

Customers now have constant access to digitally promoted products. According to Marketing Tec’s 2014 statistics, social media posting is the most popular online activity in the United States. The average American spends 37 minutes each day on social media. 99% of digital marketers market on Facebook, while 97% use Twitter, 69% use Pinterest, and 59% use Instagram. 70% of B2C marketers got consumers using Facebook. 67% of Twitter users are considerably more inclined to purchase from businesses they follow on Twitter. 83.8% of premium brands use Pinterest. LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook are the three most popular social networking platforms among marketers (Monnappa, 2023).

Importance of Digital Marketing

Internet marketing is such an essential part of marketing for several reasons that we will discuss in this part, but to put it briefly, it allows you to expand your audience and increase brand recognition.

If used appropriately, every one of the causes on the following list, as provided on FutureLearn (2023), ought to assist you in drawing in both new and existing clients and increasing future sales.

Why is digital marketing important?

  1. Beneficial for increasing brand recognition and growth.
  2. Digital marketing creates a level playing field and makes it possible for you to compete with larger businesses in your industry that you otherwise couldn’t.
  3. By reaching potential clients online, you can sell your business to a much larger audience than you would through traditional means. Utilizing digital marketing channels can help increase brand growth and recognition, as well as raise awareness of your products and services.

Types of Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

Influencers work together to promote a company’s products or services in exchange for a cut of the money earned by their efforts. This style of advertising is increasingly popular on sites like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. The sector is expected to reach $13 billion by 2023. Affiliate marketing produces new leads and builds trust by connecting companies and customers.

Content Marketing

Content marketing focuses on telling tales and sharing intelligent information to boost brand identification. Think about producing eBooks, blogs, and movies that will help your audience. The goal is to establish a long-term relationship rather than just closing a deal. It also works in tandem with SEO to enhance site traffic and maintain user engagement over time.

Email Marketing

Even with all the social media buzz, email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to reach consumers. It’s about creating engaging campaigns that not only catch the eye but also build loyalty. Marketers often personalize emails, create a sense of urgency, and let subscribers choose how often they want to hear from them. This data allows marketers to fine-tune their plans to better appeal to their intended audience.

Marketing Analytics

One of the most advantageous parts of digital marketing is how easily everything can be tracked and assessed. Google Analytics, for example, provides specific insights into user activity, such as how long they stay on your site and what content they find interesting. This data allows marketers to fine-tune their plans to better appeal to their intended audience.

Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is all about contacting clients via smartphones and tablets. Whether by SMS, social media, or apps, this method tailors messages based on timing and location. Given how many people are addicted to their phones these days, it is critical to meet them where they are with relevant material.

Pay-per-click (PPC)

PPC is an advertising strategy in which you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. It’s a quick way to generate traffic, but it requires precise keyword management and targeting. Effective PPC campaigns may target specific locations, ensuring that your advertisements reach the targeted population without wasting money.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing encompasses everything a brand does on sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. It’s more than just providing updates; it’s about developing a unified plan that constantly engages your target audience. Analyzing postperformance helps you fine-tune your strategy, ensuring that your brand remains relevant and visible.

Finally, one of these marketing methods complements the others, and when used together successfully, they may provide big benefits for your firm (Gustavsen, 2023).


In summary, digital marketing has seen significant development since its inception and has expanded to become an essential tool for establishing connections between companies and their customers. Over the years, we have seen digital innovations, such as search engines, social media, and clickable advertising, which have fundamentally altered how companies are able to connect with consumers to sell their products. Digital marketing offers a wide range of methods, from affiliate marketing and content development to mobile marketing, helping firms prosper in today’s competitive

Businesses can attract customers, position themselves for sustained growth, and significantly increase brand recognition by using digital marketing tools effectively. Digital marketing is highly effective because it can evaluate results and make necessary adjustments to strategies through platforms such as social media, email marketing, and pay-per-click advertising. Businesses need to stay aware of changes in the digital world and remain flexible. By utilizing these technologies, they can stay competitive in the global market and cultivate genuine relationships with their target audience.


FutureLearn, 2023. Why is digital marketing important for business? [online] FutureLearn. Available at: [Accessed 5 October. 2024].

Gustavsen, A., 2023. What are the 8 Types of Digital Marketing? [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 October. 2024].

Monnappa, A., 2023. The History and Evolution of Digital Marketing. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 September. 2024].

By Minseo Moon

She is a Concordia International University student.

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