What is a digital transformation?

Digital transformation, as defined by Moore and Pratt (2023), refers to a significant overhaul in the operational and organizational practices of businesses, facilitated by the integration of cutting-edge digital technologies. This transformative process aims to enhance a company’s competitive edge and its ability to swiftly respond to shifts in the market landscape.

For instance, digital transformation often involves the strategic utilization of data analytics, leading to more informed decision-making processes and the creation of personalized customer experiences. Additionally, it encompasses a shift in organizational culture towards embracing innovation and agility, fostering a dynamic and forward-thinking environment within the company.

The impact of digital transformation extends across various facets of business operations. It is anticipated to drive improvements in operational efficiency, enabling companies to streamline processes and optimize resource allocation. Furthermore, by leveraging digital technologies effectively, businesses can establish a stronger foothold in the market, gaining a competitive advantage over rivals. Moreover, digital transformation initiatives have the potential to generate new sources of value for customers, thereby enhancing overall satisfaction and loyalty. Ultimately, digital transformation represents a paradigm shift in how businesses operate, emphasizing the pivotal role of technology in driving growth, innovation, and sustainable success in the modern era.

The history of digital transformation in business

Paige (2023) delineates the history of digital transformation into four distinct epochs, each characterized by notable technological advancements and societal shifts.

  1. Pre-Internet Era (1950–1999): During this era, the advent of microchips and semiconductors laid the groundwork for digital transformation. These innovations facilitated the digitization of manual processes, enabling organizations to transition their operational workflows to digital platforms. However, access to information remained limited, and connectivity was primarily restricted to select individuals and institutions.
  2. Post-Internet Era (1990-2006): The emergence of the Internet marked a watershed moment in the history of digital transformation. The widespread adoption of the Internet democratized access to information, empowering individuals worldwide to connect and interact on a global scale. Concurrently, the proliferation of personal computers and the rise of social networking services (SNS) revolutionized communication patterns, ushering in an era of unprecedented connectivity and collaboration.
  3. Mobile Era (2007-2019): The introduction of smartphones, epitomized by devices like the iPhone, revolutionized the accessibility of digital resources. With the advent of mobile technology, accessing vast amounts of information and engaging with online platforms became effortless and ubiquitous. Both individuals and businesses embraced the Internet and SNS as indispensable tools for communication, commerce, and collaboration. It was during this epoch that the term “digital transformation” gained prominence, signifying the profound impact of technology on society and business.
  4. The Post-Pandemic Era (2020-present): The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the pace of digital transformation across industries. Faced with unprecedented challenges, companies rapidly pivoted towards online platforms to deliver services and engage with customers remotely. The pandemic underscored the importance of digital infrastructure and catalyzed investments in technology-driven solutions. Moreover, advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have expanded the scope of digital transformation, with implications for both professional practices and societal dynamics.

These epochs collectively represent a significant evolution towards digital transformation, delineating its trajectory from its nascent stages to its current prominence in shaping the modern technological landscape and societal structures.

Requirements for successful digital transformation

According to Didier (2022), successful digital transformation necessitates a nuanced understanding of its inherent complexity and the likelihood of encountering obstacles along the way. Contrary to popular belief, digital transformation is not a straightforward process with guaranteed positive outcomes. Overly optimistic expectations regarding initial goals often lead to disappointment and setbacks. Therefore, it is imperative to approach digital transformation with a realistic mindset, emphasizing the importance of setting clear objectives, devising actionable plans, and remaining adaptable in the face of challenges.

1. Thorough control and management within organizational systems

Maintaining transparency and accountability in decision-making processes is essential for the effective execution of digital transformation initiatives. This entails ensuring clear delegation of authority and responsibility, along with proactive measures to secure and develop human resources equipped with the requisite digital skills. Providing ongoing education, training, and practical opportunities for employees to enhance their digital literacy and adaptability is crucial for successful transformation. Additionally, fostering a culture of decentralized decision-making and autonomy among employees promotes agility and flexibility, enabling organizations to navigate the complexities of digital transformation with confidence.

2. Thorough control and management within organizational systems

Ensuring transparency and accountability in decision-making processes, as well as in the delegation of authority and responsibility, is paramount for successful digital transformation. It is imperative to cultivate a workforce with proficient digital technology skills through rigorous recruitment and training initiatives. Providing ongoing education, training, and practical opportunities is essential for equipping existing employees with the necessary competencies to thrive in a digital environment. Digital transformation necessitates the adoption of decentralized decision-making processes, which are characterized by agility and flexibility. Employees must be empowered to act independently, requiring a collective effort to instill a culture of autonomy and accountability throughout the organization.

In summary, successful digital transformation hinges on a well-defined process that is comprehensively understood by all employees and executives. Anticipating potential challenges and proactively responding to emerging trends are crucial aspects of this process. By fostering a culture of adaptability and innovation, organizations can effectively navigate the complexities of digital transformation and position themselves for sustained success in an evolving digital landscape.

The advantages and disadvantages of digital transformation

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of digital transformation, according to Manteigas (2023):


  • Improve operational efficiency.

The advancement of digital technology automates repetitive tasks and dataization, reducing the time required to complete various tasks.

  • Impact of AI

With access to a huge amount of information and AI-enabled information processing and decision-making, the work progresses efficiently.

  • Strengthening communication with customers.

It enables online interaction and improves customer experience and satisfaction anytime, anywhere.

  • Easy-to-handle changes

It is easy to change the specifications of online shops and sites, and it is easy to respond to changes in society and customer requests.

  • Improvement of marketing efficiency based on data

Digital technology generates and analyzes a large amount of data, making it easier to change and decide the direction of operation according to market trends.


  • Initial investment is difficult.

Digital transformation requires a significant initial investment. Internet facilities, employment of skilled personnel, human resource costs due to reorganization, and investment in environmental improvement due to changes in organizational culture.

  • Possibility of resistance to change

Existing employees need to change the habits and ways they work over the years, learn new jobs, and acquire new skills. Therefore, there is a possibility that you will be passive about the change.

  • Risk of data leakage and cyberattacks

Cybersecurity problems can occur and can lead to fatal defects.The solution is complicated and requires advanced technology.

The potential for job loss

Digitization can automate tasks that were originally done manually, resulting in job losses.

For academic writing

The realm of academic writing necessitates specific skills and competencies. To generate writing of superior quality, one must be well-versed in a multitude of disciplines, encompassing research, critical thinking, editing, and effective communication.

Skills required for

(1) Analytical skills

It is essential to thoroughly analyze and evaluate complex problems, data, and ideas.

(2) Communication Skills

It is necessary to include engaging and informative content that captures people’s interest. Additionally, effectively conveying the knowledge and ideas gained through research to the audience is crucial.

(3) Planning and organizational skills

Due to the substantial time and effort required in academic writing, proper planning to meet deadlines is necessary. During this process, managing data and research results appropriately and prioritizing them is important.

(4) Proper writing skills

Clear and concise communication of one’s thoughts and research findings is vital, necessitating excellent writing skills. (Sultana, 2023)


Didier, B., 2022 3 stages of a successful digital transformation, Harvard Business Review. Available at: https://hbr.org/2022/09/3-stages-of-a-successful-digital-transformation( (Accessed: 20 February 2024).

Manteigas, A.,2023 Advantages and disadvantages of digital transformation for Telcos, . Available at: https://blog.twoosk.com/digitalization/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-digital-transformation-for-telco-businesses/ (Accessed: 07 March 2024).

Moore, J. and Pratt, M.K., 2023 What is Digital Transformation?: Definition and guide from TechTarget, CIO. Available at: https://www.techtarget.com/searchcio/definition/digital-transformation (Accessed: 07 March 2024).

Paige, M., 2023 The evolution of Digital Transformation: From pre-internet to post-pandemic, HatchWorks. Available at: https://hatchworks.com/blog/product-design/history-digital-transformation/ (Accessed: 07 March 2024).

Sultana, R., 2023 Skills that an academic writer and research must have, LinkedIn. Available at: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/skills-academic-writer-research-must-have-razia-sultana (Accessed: 01 March 2024).

By Koga Sayaka

She is a Concordia International School student.

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