A certain percentage of the population were students who studied overseas. Between the teenage years and the age of twenty, it can be challenging to travel alone to other countries and adjust to new languages and customs. But going through that challenge will help you grow and gain a lot of experience. This article demonstrates the effects for you (Chuan, 2022).

More choices
Studying abroad can have many advantages, as it allows you to attend your own university while also broadening your educational opportunities globally. This is due to the fact that you have the freedom to select the top school anywhere on the globe, independent of national boundaries, in addition to your own country. Even after taking into account a number of aspects, this is a crucial decision-making process in your life.
Acquisition of a new language
Living abroad means that you have a very good chance of learning the language spoken in that country. In a foreign country, in school classes, discussions, and daily life with local people, it is necessary to speak the language of that country, so it will be cultivated naturally. You may have a chance to speak English even if you don’t speak it as your native language. However, since there are overwhelmingly many first languages spoken in the country during the day, mastery is inevitable and cultivated (Siampani, 2023).
Stand on one’s own two feet.
Studying abroad forces you to live in a place that is different from the common sense you have. If you live in such a place from an early age, you will be encouraged to become self-reliant. If you experience a lot of difficulties due to things you don’t understand and cultural differences, or if you try to adapt one by one, there is a possibility that you will grow beyond comparison between yourself before and after studying abroad (Ace, 2019).
While there are many advantages, there are also disadvantages.
Moving overseas comes with a variety of expenses, depending on where you are presently residing and where you are studying. First of all, your everyday living expenses, such as those for food, water, utilities, and energy, may go up if costs are greater abroad than they are at home. I’ll have to pay for it beforehand because I’ll be using trains and airlines for public transit.
Homesickness is the one that will increase the most, owing to the fact that many people appear to study abroad by themselves.
Naturally, you could enjoy yourself in new groups, such as those with similar backgrounds or pals who just so happen to be there, but if you find it difficult to adjust to your new surroundings or if you feel alone, you might miss your friends and family back home.
It is hard to adjust to foreign cultures and common sense immediately since they differ from your own. It will be difficult to find a solution when you have to deal with things you don’t comprehend and don’t experience on a daily basis, not to mention the language barrier (Barnes, 2020).
Studying overseas at such a young age has advantages and disadvantages. Positively, life offers many benefits, such as the chance to learn without sacrificing personal development, but living in a place where one’s knowledge and perspective are entirely different has challenges of its own.
- Chuan, C. , 2022. Studying Abroad vs Locally | JM. [online] https://jmeducationgroup.com/. Available at: https://jmeducationgroup.com/studying-abroad-vs-locally [Accessed 22 June 2023].
- Barnes, J. , 2020. The Pros and Cons of Studying Abroad – College Raptor. [online] College Raptor Blog. Available at: https://www.collegeraptor.com/find-colleges/articles/tips-tools-advice/pros-cons-studying-abroad [Accessed 21 June 2023].
- Ace, S., 2019. 7 Pros And Cons Of Studying Abroad. [online] Scholar Ace. Available at: https://scholarace.com/pros-cons-studying-abroad [Accessed 23 June 2023].
- Siampani, A. (2023). The Pros and Cons of Studying Abroad. [online] CEOWORLD magazine. Available at: https://ceoworld.biz/2023/04/24/the-pros-and-cons-of-studying-abroad [Accessed 23 June 2023].