How do people become adults?

People grow up, but what does it really mean “to grow up”? Does it just pertain to being able to do adult stuff, such as drink alcohol, drive a car, work for money, and make decisions for yourself? Is it really all that being an adult entails? In this article, we’ll talk about what “adulting” really means.

(Editorial, 2023)

How to be a real adult

Take responsibility for someone’s life

It is difficult to endure complaints about your situation and environment and not have a sense of victimhood. But in lamenting, it is important to accept and act because your life can only be opened to you.

Don’t tell a lie.

Lying keeps you from becoming an adult and keeps you a child forever. If you can accept the truth without lying, it will protect you and build various things. We should overcome our fear of lying.

Call back.

Born in a convenient world, we can use various methods when we want to contact someone. If someone calls you, it’s not a good idea to reply by any means other than the phone.It can lead to the division of relationships and gaps. That’s why I’ll make sure to call you back.

Care for your own things.

You need to understand yourself well. It is about characteristics and problems. If you don’t know how this will affect others and how to deal with it, the relationship you have created will deteriorate and disappear (Schrader, 2017).

Manage your money.

One of the things you have to learn as an adult is how to handle your money. You should be able to pay for your own costs first. Saving money might be difficult, but it’s really a matter of preparing for happiness and health in the future.

When it comes to handling finances, there are several things to do.

Living within your income, preparing for the future, saving, and establishing emergency money.

Saving money and living within your means are, in my opinion, closely related. Big purchases and spending control are necessary to accomplish both goals.

I don’t believe it’s fun for you to track your spending, but knowing where to cut can help. The largest purchase comes next. If it’s something pricey, I suggest giving yourself three days to make the purchase so you can restrain your urges and shop sensibly.

Additionally, planning for the future and keeping an eye on your expenditures will help you stay motivated and at ease. The norm is around six months’ worth of living costs, and if you have a lot of money, you can cover both unexpected and debt-related expenses.

In addition to planning for your future needs, it’s a good idea to set aside money for goals like buying a home or a car (Barret, 2023).

How to start to invest

Saving money is also a wonderful thing, but once you have some, consider investing. Because money works, investing helps you learn and enrich your life. There are numerous types of investments, such as stocks, real estate, and investment trusts. When you invest, you must consider the risk involved (Napoletano and Curry, 2022).


There are many clear-cut boundaries in our world between children and adults, yet many of them also appear capable of doing tasks appropriate for their age. That is undoubtedly one of the tenets, but it turns out that maturing inside and exercising self-control are just as important to becoming a true adult as age and looks.”


  • Editorial, S., 2023. When Does Adulthood Begin? [online] Norse News. Available at: [Accessed 21 October].
  • Schrader, J. , 2017. 8 Ways to Be an Adult | Psychology Today. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 October].
  • ‌Barret, L. , 2023. How To Be An Adult: A Step-By-Step Guide to Getting Your S$%t Together. [online] Money Under 30. Available at: [Accessed 22 October].
  • Napoletano, E. and Curry, B. , 2022. What Is Investing? How Can You Start Investing? – Forbes Advisor. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Oct. 2023].
By Shunya Irisawa

He is a Concordia International University student.

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