Pros and cons of medical marijuana

The controversy over medical marijuana’s potential therapeutic uses continues. More than 30 states in the US permit the use of marijuana for medical purposes, and an increasing number of jurisdictions permit the use of marijuana as a luxury drug. However, marijuana is a Schedule I Controlled substance, according to the federal government. This federal designation prohibits the use of marijuana and places limitations on the study of its potential health consequences (Morrow, 2021).


1. Marijuana is beneficial as a medicine with fewer risks than opioids and other prescribed drugs.

Pain management is the primary use of medical marijuana in the US. “Cannabis is not strong against severe pain (e.g., postoperative pain or broken bones), but it is quite effective against the chronic pain that afflicts millions of Americans, especially age-related pain,” says primary care physician and cannabis expert Peter Graspoon (, 2000).

2. Marijuana is safer than some legal drugs and is preferred by patients.

Three researchers from the BC Centre for Substance Use at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver argue that while cannabis use is not risk-free or a panacea, the risk of physical dependence or accidental overdose is much lower than with opioid use, and in fact, fatal overdoses from cannabis have never been documented and are considered unlikely.” The more frequent consequences of opioid use disorders, such as fatal overdoses and the acquisition or spread of bloodborne illnesses, are hardly comparable to those of cannabis use disorders, both on an individual and a social level (, 2000). This is especially true in times of an opioid overdose crisis.

3. Americans have agreed for decades that medical marijuana should be legal.

Many states have legalized marijuana use, and as of December 2022, 36 states and Washington, DC, have done the same. This indicates that marijuana is widely accepted in America. California first approved medicinal marijuana in 1996. 83.5% of Americans reside in a state (or the District of Columbia) where medical marijuana is permitted. Only 16.5% of the population resides in one of the 13 states where medical marijuana is still illegal. The legalization of medical marijuana is supported by every American, according to polls and elections over the previous 20 years (, 2000).


1. This is not for everyone.

Marijuana may not be suitable for some people due to the presence of THC compounds, which are known for their psychoactive effects. Many aspects of life can certainly be complicated, especially if you are tested for work. Marijuana can also be a problem if it is detected in their system if they are injured in an accident or on the job. was intoxicated at the time of the accident. Many people choose to stay away from medical marijuana for these reasons (Doctors, 2020).

2. A lot is yet to be known about the plant.

There have been several promising studies on cannabis. However, the mechanisms of action of most compounds in cannabis are not yet fully understood. This is undoubtedly one of the most serious downsides of medical marijuana. Scientists and researchers continue to learn more as marijuana is decriminalized across the country (Doctors, 2020).

The takeaway

Cannabis is probably one of the most controversial topics today, both from a legal and health standpoint. There needs to be more research on marijuana’s health advantages given all the debate surrounding its use, both medically and recreationally. There needs to be more research on marijuana’s health advantages given all the debate surrounding its use, both medically and recreationally. On the other hand, it’s crucial to speak with your doctor first if you’re interested in marijuana’s potential health advantages. Your doctor can help you understand the advantages and potential drawbacks of medicinal marijuana as well as the local laws governing the application for a medical marijuana card (Cherney, 2020).


Cherney, K. (2020). Are There Benefits of Marijuana for Medical Use? [online] Healthline. Available at: [Accessed 7 March 2023]

Doctors, G.T. (2020). Pros and Cons of Medical Marijuana. [online] Medical Marijuana News, Updates & Insights. Available at: [Accessed 22 February 2023]

Morrow, A. (2021). Pros and Cons of Medical Marijuana. [online] Verywell Health. Available at: [Accessed 19 February 2023] (2000). Medical Marijuana [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 February 2023]

By Yusuke Okamoto

He is a Concordia International University student.

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