Why Do People Snore?


We often see people snoring when sleeping. Therefore, I think snoring is not an abnormality in the body but a general symptom. But isn’t snoring a red light beyond physical health?

Why do people snore?

  1. Alcohol consumption

Alcohol relaxes the muscles in your throat, so if you drink late at night, it can affect your sleep and cause snoring. While a person is sleeping, relaxed muscles interfere with the airway, which causes snoring.

  1. Weight

Fat is distributed evenly throughout the body, not just in one specific part of it. The neck is one of the parts where the region can be located. So, extra fat will start putting pressure on a person’s throat, which can also block the airway.

  1. Nose disease

Flu, allergies, and colds are some of the snoring diseases that can cause snoring. Solving and treating the causes of these things can greatly help stop snoring.

  1. Sleeping position

A person’s sleeping posture has a great influence on their snoring and sleep. When a person sleeps lying upright, gravity can narrow their airways, which causes snoring. (Pribyl, 2020)

Is snoring bad for you?

Snoring in general is not something to worry about. However, studies show that people who snore constantly can become dangerous due to diseases such as high blood pressure. Snoring can reduce a person’s sleep quality, which makes him feel more tired. It can also interfere with the sleep of the person next to you, causing problems in human relationships. In addition, simple snoring can lead to obstructive sleep apnea, which can shorten a person’s life span (Ouberka, 2022).

How do people stop snoring?

  • Sleep sideways!

Snoring is associated with sleeping positions. When people sleep on their backs, they are more likely to snore. Sleeping on your side, on the other hand, causes you to snore less frequently. Snoring can be caused by the posture of the head, and if you shift your head sideways, you will snore less.

If you are snoring while sleeping on your back, try lying on your side. If you have trouble changing your sleeping position, try changing your pillow position to keep your body and head sideways.

  • Diet

Experts say losing weight is one of the most essential ways to stop snoring. Of course, it only applies to obese people. Overweight people are more likely to have snoring and obstructive sleep apnea.

  • Mouth exercise

Try mouth exercises in addition to regular exercises. Clinically, mouth exercises are called oral pharyngeal exercises and have been found to have a significant impact on reducing snoring. Mouth movement is the repetitive movement of parts of the mouth and tongue to strengthen the roof of people’s mouth, tongue, and neck muscles.

  • No smoking

One of the causes of increased snoring is smoking, so quitting smoking will help stop snoring. Also, smokers’ children are more likely to snore.

  • Don’t drink before you go to bed.

Alcohol not only increases snoring, but people without disabilities can also get obstructive sleep apnea if they drink before bed. Since it is also related to the amount of alcohol in snoring and sleep, if you currently drink a lot, start by reducing it (Pacheco, 2021).


People can snore and snore depending on their physical condition on any given day. Therefore, snoring is rarely a cause for alarm. However, chronic snoring can cause diseases such as obstructive sleep apnea and hyperglycemia, both of which disrupt sleep and make people tired. There are numerous simple techniques to prevent snoring. Therefore, I believe it is worthwhile to try to improve your physical health and daily life.


Pribyl, L. (2020). 11 Different Causing Including Sleep Apnea | Independence, Missouri. [online] Center for TMJ and Sleep Apnea. Available at: https://www.tmjsleepapnea.com/blog/common-snoring-causes/ [Accessed 1 April 2023].

Ouberka, H. (2022). Is snoring bad for you ? – Is snoring bad for you ? [online] Cromwell Hospital. Available at: https://www.cromwellhospital.com/newsroom/blog/is-snoring-bad-for-you-cromwell-hospital/ [Accessed 1 April 2023].

Pacheco, D. (2021). How to Stop Snoring: 10 Tips, Tricks, and Remedies. [online] Sleep Foundation. Available at: https://www.sleepfoundation.org/snoring/how-to-stop-snoring [Accessed 1 April 2023].

By Yu Jin Jeong

She is a Concordia International University student.

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