What Makes a Great Salesperson?


Throughout our job, there are numerous departments. Sales is one of them, and it’s highly challenging because it requires talking with consumers, explaining why items and services are appealing, and then concluding contracts. Every day, many salespeople put in a lot of effort to outperform the competition and raise the earnings and reputation of their business. What sort of transactions need to be made in order to sign a contract with a client?

What do salespeople do?

A salesperson is a person who gives presentations, sells and promotes goods and services, and haggles over purchase terms with clients who are considering the product. According to Miller, they each have various duties (2023).

Main duties and responsibilities

  • Lead generation (acquisition of prospective customers)
  • Achieving sales targets
  • Promotions, quoting assistance, schedule planning (negotiating and signing contracts is not the only job)
  • Understanding and promoting corporate programs
  • Answering client questions (price, availability, product features, and so on.)
  • Tracking client information
  • Assessing prospect visits and needs
  • Submission of sales contract and preparation of products

What kind of people are suitable for sales? What skills do they need?

Freedman (2023) said we may change the sales method depending on the person to whom we sell the product. Therefore, it is important to have the skills to deal with them.


This kind of individual can reach definitive conclusions. He has a competitive spirit and makes quick decisions. He also has a short-term, dominating side that can be a little loud. He uses phrases rather than inquiries more often.


Salesmen are patient, friendly, open to challenges, and always calm. Many people are good listeners and ask more questions than others. The ability to build strong personal relationships is also a hallmark of a salesperson.


People are happier with expressive people. They are outgoing, imaginative, persuasive, self-driven, steadfastly devoted, and enthusiastic. By using phrases rather than questions, they also aim to improve interpersonal connections.


An analytical person is unpleasant, somber, and unambiguous. They don’t get bogged down in formalities and are always based on facts. Keep calm and be prepared at all times. They are less interested in making personal sales and have more inquiries.

What kind of salesman can succeed?

Here are the characteristics of salesmen who can succeed, according to Freedman (2023):

Care about the interests of the customer.

Let them understand that the product or service was necessary for their tasks, dreams, and goals, and tell them what value and benefits they have.

Have confidence

The salesman himself must believe in the product and be able to explain how it will help solve the customer’s problem.

Always stay on

Judy Crockett says that a good salesperson is someone who is always aware of themselves and their surroundings, understands the positive impact of their product or service, and is ready to present and sell at any time.


Top-class salespeople have the ability to perform optimally in difficult situations and perceive difficulties as challenges to their next success.


Extroverts like to talk and spend time with others, so they make friends easily. In addition, many of them are curious people. This allows salespeople to enjoy meeting and talking to customers and to share more topics, thus forming a stronger connection with customers.

Good listener

Timothy Tolan says that selling our product or service is important, but before that, we have to listen to our customers pain points and sell our solutions.


Persistence can feel like a nuisance, but respectful persistence can be a breakthrough. After multiple iterations, the customer finally realizes that they have been offered a solution and thanks the salesman. 

Have concentration

Successful salespeople don’t care about emails, messages, or gossip. They know what they need to do to be successful and are always setting goals.

Optimistic and bright

Top salespeople are always cheerful, have a good sense of humor, and display fun and positivity. They don’t get carried away by their surroundings and are optimistic about what they need to do while understanding reality.

Is sales performance related to salary?

Several businesses now offer sales commissions, bonuses, and other incentives in addition to salaries for employees who surpass expectations at work or deliver above-average performance. Performance-linked compensation is what we call this. Although excellent systems, they do have certain drawbacks (Small Firms Association, 2016).


  • Employee productivity and performance improves through goal setting.
  • Slow performance and declining sales are dealt with.
  • Employees can clearly see how hard they are working, which helps keep them motivated.
  • Contribution can be recognized through rewards.


  • Setting goals that are too high reduces motivation.
  • All remuneration is determined by managers and supervisors (and may not be accepted).
  • Employees will always expect additional compensation.
  • Cooperation may be hindered by teamwork.


Salespeople promote value and profit in addition to the proper product or service. We should comprehend these principles and expand their use so that workers can keep working while maintaining their motivation levels. In recent years, there have been many companies that have earned a lot of rewards for their hard work. In addition to having strong communication and sales abilities, a successful salesperson must constantly keep their customers in mind and conduct themselves accordingly.


Freedman, M. (2023). 14 Important Traits That Successful Salespeople Share. [online] Business News Daily. Available at: <https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/4173-personality-traits-successful-sales-people.html> [Accessed 10 March 2023].

Miller, C. (2023). Sales Representative Job Description – What is a Sales Representative? [online] Employment Security Commission. Available at: <https://www.ncesc.com/sales-representative-job-description/> [Accessed 10 March 2023].

Small Firms Association (2016). The Advantages and Disadvantages of Performance Related Pay. [online] ibecsfa.newsweaver.ie. Available at: <https://ibecsfa.newsweaver.ie/ibecsfa/1j9c2hc2usd> [Accessed 10 March 2023].

By Manase Sato

She is a Concordia International University student.

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