Why Do Some People Have Weaker Immune Systems?


There are numerous factors that contribute to people’s weakened immune systems, some of which are controllable, such as diet, stress, and sleep duration. However, when immunity is low or certain drugs are required, immune system control can be compromised (McKnight, 2021).

What are the main functions of the immune system?

Fighting disease-causing pathogens

The term “pathogen” refers to a wide range of bacteria and viruses that are inextricably linked in everyday life.

These pathogens are constantly present in our bodies. If you have no immune system, you are more likely to become ill quickly from those pathogens.

This is one of the reasons why it is critical that our bodies do everything possible to support our immune systems by prioritizing sleep and providing adequate hydration to prevent molds, viruses, parasites, and bacteria from invading more easily.

Recognition and neutralization of environmental hazards

There are some substances in our environment that are hazardous to our health. Some substances are toxic, and a healthy and efficient immune system detects and neutralizes these potentially harmful substances.

By recognizing and reacting to a substance known as an “antigen,” the immune system neutralizes it.

Antigens are frequently proteins, though this is not always the case, and other non-living substances that can be considered antigens include chemicals, toxins, and drugs.

The stronger a person’s immune system, the better they will react to the antigen, noticing it and attempting to destroy it.

Fighting body changes that can cause disease

Most people are unaware that one of the immune system’s important roles is to maintain a healthy dynamic between cell regeneration and cell death. Changes in our bodies can cause diseases, such as cells turning malignant and causing cancer.
As a result, you should do everything possible to ensure that your immune system works efficiently and effectively for your benefit. There are more reasons than just keeping people from getting a common cold (Winter, 2022).

What are ways to boost your immune system?

Water is necessary for immune system health

Still water is the best thing a person can drink. Drink at least eight ounces of water per day. It’s not easy. Because the human body dehydrates after waking up, it is best to drink water as soon as you wake up.

Exercise on a regular basis to boost immunity

Exercise is essential for weight management and the prevention of chronic diseases such as heart disease and high blood pressure. Exercise also aids in the development of a strong immune system. It improves blood circulation, which helps the immune system function better.

Reduce stress to boost immune function

Stress can tax the immune system and sap its ability to keep you healthy. Small and large daily stressors can constantly tax a person’s immune system. As a result, having self-management time to prevent these things is critical.

Sleep boosts immunity naturally

Sleep is essential for brain and body health. When you don’t get enough sleep, your natural immune cells decline while inflammatory cells proliferate. As a result, sleep helps strengthen the immune system.

Consume immune-boosting foods and beverages

A healthy diet is essential for a strong immune system. A diet rich in plants, fiber, protein, and healthy fats can help you feel better and recover faster. Protein is also required for the healing process.

Eat a wide range of immune-boosting foods

A healthy diet is another important factor in maintaining a healthy immune system. A diet high in protein, fiber, vegetables, and healthy fats can help you feel better and recover faster. Protein is also required for the body’s healing (Siddiqi, 2021).


The immune system, like cancer prevention, plays a much larger role than simply preventing colds. People should try to improve their immune systems by practicing these methods for their physical health because there are many ways to strengthen the immune system.


McKnight, T.B., Jason (2021). Frequent colds, infections, and fatigue are signs you may have a low immune system — here’s when to see a doctor. [online] Insider. Available at: https://www.insider.com/guides/health/low-immune-system [Accessed 16 February. 2023].

Winters, D. (2022). WHAT ARE THE 3 MAJOR FUNCTIONS OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM. [online] Tonic Health. Available at: https://www.tonichealth.co/blogs/news/what-are-the-3-major-functions-of-the-immune-system [Accessed 16 February. 2023].

Siddiqi, A. (2021). Six Ways to Boost Your Immune System Naturally Before You Get Sick. [online] www.allinahealth.org. Available at: https://www.allinahealth.org/healthysetgo/prevent/six-ways-to-boost-your-immunity-before-you-get-sick [Accessed 14 February. 2023].

By Yu Jin Jeong

She is a Concordia International University student.

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