Pets and Their Owners

What do pets feel about partners of their owners?

When you first get a pet and establish a bond with it, the animal will be hesitant to leave your side. Those who find it difficult to be alone often see pet ownership as a symbol of comfort. The animal would then feel conflicted and envious that their owner had found a partner once you brought one over.

If the partner approached their owner, the pet would become defensive and may even try to attack them, but this would only leave a small mark.

Would a pet ruin a relationship?

Pets are frequently the source of conflict in relationships. Couples fight over their pets for a variety of reasons. Although these arguments may appear insignificant and unimportant to settle in person, the truth is that they have the potential to grow into larger disputes or issues over time.

Every relationship is unique, and this includes disagreements between couples and their pets. Nonetheless, some conflicts do arise more frequently among various couples.

Will the pets grow on the partner?

Once you’ve determined that your pet is undeniably the source of some of your relationship problems, the next step is to figure out how to deal with this situation. Of course, the specific reasons why your pet is causing marital problems will determine how you and your spouse handle the situation or the steps you take.

Determine the specific problem and the precise cause of that problem, talk about it, and decide what that problem means for you and your relationship while distinguishing the animal’s actions from those of your spouse.

With your partner, discuss your issue(s) and attempt to reach a compromise. If you or the animal are having trouble with training, you can consider taking it to a trainer. As a result, your concern will be resolved for the time being.


Both owning a pet and being in a relationship have their upsides and downsides. Whether you pay attention to your pet or your spouse, they both need to learn to share, love, and express how much they care for one another.

Furthermore, most people experience personality changes when they are required to adhere to strict norms and limitations. Some activities with a pet must be avoided for the pet’s safety, health, or convenience, and watching how you and your partner deal with this limitation can be eye-opening.

Having a pet also provides new opportunities and justifications for couples to spend time together. If you have to walk your pet, this could be a romantic activity for a couple. When you both have a day off, you can spend it playing with the dog in the backyard, giving your cat catnip together, or taking a walk through the neighborhood with the pet turkey while laughing at other people’s reactions. Despite the fact that you may find yourself assigning this task on a regular basis in order to save time.


Ashton, P. (2022). When Pets Come Between Partners (10 Tips to Resolve Any Issues!). [online] Self Development Journey. Available at: [Accessed 25 February 2023].

Truffo, C. (2013). Are Pets Causing Problems in Your Relationship? [online] Theravive. Available at: [Accessed 2 March 2023].

Sheehey, N. (2022). Why Having A Pet Together Is Good For Your Relationship. [online] HelloPrenup. Available at: [Accessed 2 March 2023].

By Chaerin Yoo

She is a Concordia International School Student

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