Should Students Enroll at Overseas Universities?


Globalization has advanced in recent years, and the number of people interested in foreign countries has grown. Despite the fact that many people have had the opportunity to study abroad, few people consider enrolling in an overseas university. What is the difference between Japanese and foreign universities?

How does one enter an overseas university?

(What are the criteria for admission?)

There are many documents and certifications required to enter an overseas university, but first students have to pass an exam. The requirements differ depending on the school and country they enter. In general, applicants must meet the required performance standards, such as a GPA and an A grade, and have graduated from secondary school. If the desired overseas university is in an English-speaking country, TOEFL or IELTS may be required as admission criteria. Even when the country where the university is located is in another language, in most cases it is necessary to take an exam in that language (Laura, 2021).

How is life at an overseas university different from life at a Japanese university?

The lifestyles at Japanese universities and overseas universities are very different. Here’s how Baseel (2015) described the differences:


Most Japanese high school and junior high school students have to wear school uniforms. Therefore, when they enter university and are allowed to dress freely, they spend money on clothes and accessories and become sensitive to the fashion of themselves and those around them. 

In contrast, American universities emphasize comfort, so there are many styles such as sweatshirts and T-shirts.

Club activities

Japanese universities have many circles. The purpose of these activities is to have fun together. Circles are also a place to make new friends, and these are the things that make a difference in our lifestyles.

Clubs and sports teams at overseas universities are not clubs but are more like club activities. There are many students who devote themselves to their studies without joining the club because they have the image that they practice hard and seem to be difficult.

Academic pressure

In order to enter a Japanese university, it is necessary to study hard and overcome tough exams. However, there are many people who do not study much after entering school and play. This is because Japanese universities basically allow students to earn credits by attending classes.

However, students who attend universities in foreign countries such as the United States and England need to work hard on their studies every day. There are a lot of assignments, and it is hard, and when the exam approaches, the seats in the library fill up. Compared to Japanese universities, there is more time to study, and graduating is not easy.

Living arrangements

Many Japanese university students live alone. This is because the Japanese get their own place when they enter university.

Overseas students often live in a dormitory with their roommate. In addition, some foreign students commute to university while living in a shared house or homestay.

Class style

There are many styles in Japanese universities in which students simply listen to their teachers. Although some schools have debate classes, many Japanese people do not express their opinions on their own. When students have questions, it is not during class; rather, it is after class that many students go to ask questions in person.

Overseas students, in contrast to Japan’s passive teaching style, are more proactive. If there is something we don’t understand, we ask about it right away, and sometimes we discuss it with everyone.

How useful is our experience at an overseas university?

According to Homden (2019), these are the benefits of studying abroad:

Understanding ourselves and our culture

We can have unexpected experiences and meet people from different cultures by living in a completely different environment. These experiences also help us understand ourselves and the culture of our home country.

・Broadening learning horizons

People can receive a high-quality education no matter where they study, but the educational system is most complete in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, and many universities rank highly in the world. As a result, they can broaden their study options.

Career improvement

Many businesses require individuals with international experience and education. Understanding other languages and cultures gained through study abroad will be useful in gaining a deeper understanding of the world and improving the living environment in another country.

Becoming independent

Going to a university abroad will make people more independent. Living and studying abroad on their own can help them become independent and adventurous adults, leading to career success.


The entrance exams for Japanese universities and overseas universities are very different. Each has its own advantages, so we must select a university based on our goals and desired career. In today’s globalized world, international experience is extremely valuable for career advancement. If more people are interested in foreign countries, the company’s horizons will broaden, and growth will be possible.


Laura, T. (2021). Top Universities. [online] Top Universities. Available at: <> [Accessed 17 January 2023].

Baseel, C. (2015). 5 ways college life is different in Japan and U.S. [online] Japan Today. Available at: <> [Accessed 18 January 2023].

Homden, B. (2019). The top 8 reasons why you should study abroad. [online] Kaplan Pathways. Available at: <> [Accessed 19 January 2023].

By Manase Sato

She is a Concordia International University student.

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