The Importance of a Sustainable Business Strategy

What is a sustainable business, and why is it important?

The definition of “sustainability” is the ability to continue with the current environment in the future. In other words, sustainable business is the execution of projects that can produce positive results by eliminating causes of negative effects in our society, such as environmental pollution. Currently, interest in sustainable corporate management is growing for a variety of reasons, including climate change, the advancement of science and technology, and changes caused by pollution. Furthermore, problems associated with an unexpected environment can disrupt how the business operates. Companies used to focus on goals like increasing asset capabilities, but now they are focusing on resource and environmental sustainability. As a result, environmental preservation has become a critical issue (Spiliakos, 2018).

What are the types of sustainable businesses?

  • Social method

Society focuses on issues that may arise within society, such as privacy, human rights, and charity, which are issues that may arise as a result of scientific and technological advancement. In the case of the social sector, there are areas that, from an ethical standpoint, can affect both companies and individuals, so we should consider the impact on the social sector (Gibbons, 2022). Furthermore, the organization should be sustained by providing employee benefits such as competency development and advancement opportunities.

  • Environmental method

It focuses on ways to address climate change, which can be caused by pollution, as well as ways to reduce carbon emissions and increase energy efficiency. Companies, for example, have proposed ways to improve the environment by reducing packaging use, and companies also use ways to help their assets by reducing budget spending (Beattie, 2021). In other words, businesses should practice sustainable management, which includes environmental factors.

  • Economic method

Profits are required by businesses in order to continue operations. However, in order to achieve these returns, you must take a number of risks. That is why, in order to avoid damage, an entity should manage potential risks. It must also find ways to reduce resource use and keep the budget under control by reducing waste.

What are the advantages of a sustainable business?

Because environmental preservation can alleviate environmental problems, sustainable management increases customer interest and improves the company’s image. Companies achieve long-term success by acquiring sources of competitive advantage, increasing their assets, and gaining customer trust. Furthermore, tax breaks may be available if environmentally friendly businesses are carried out. And, if the organization’s environment improves through sustainable management, employees will provide high-quality labor and capabilities, and businesses will be able to use their capabilities to increase asset capabilities (Rogers, 2016).

How do I develop a sustainable business strategy?

In order to establish a sustainable management strategy, it is necessary to recognize what areas need improvement through problem identification. By recognizing areas that need improvement, focusing on the field, and making strategic plans, efficient results can be produced. It is also necessary to recognize and respond to problems that may arise in the future to reduce the risk factors by presenting solutions to them (Haanaes and Olynec, 2022).


Environmental issues such as climate change and pollution are piqueing the interest of modern society. As a result, environmental preservation has become an essential component of corporate management, and sustainable management has become a socially significant issue. The different types of sustainable methods are determined by society, the environment, and the economy. As a result, if a company proposes and improves a method for solving problems in the field, the customer’s interest will grow and the brand’s image will improve. As a result, using a sustainable management method benefits the environment, customers, and businesses alike.


Beattie, A. (2021). The 3 pillars of corporate sustainability. [online] Investopedia. Available at: [Accessed 21 December 2022].

Gibbons, S. (2022). How Your Company Can Become More Socially Sustainable. [online] Forbes. Available at: [Accessed 21 December 2022].

Haanaes, K. and Olynec, N. (2022). Why all businesses should embrace sustainability. [online] IMD business school. Available at: [Accessed 21 December 2022].

Rogers, M. (2016). 6 Benefits of Becoming a Sustainable Business – Environmental Leader. [online] Environmental Leader. Available at: [Accessed 21 December 2022].

Spiliakos, A. (2018). What Does ‘Sustainability’ Mean in Business? [online] Harvard Business School Online. Available at: [Accessed 21 December 2022].

By Hyein Moon

She is a Concordia International University student.

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