3D Printing


Several years ago, there was a revolution in manufacturing. That was the 3D printer. It is said that these printers can make a variety of things with great precision. So, what are 3D printers, what can they make, and what positive impact can they have on people and society?

What is 3D printing?

3D printers were hot in the first half of 2010, as it provided people with an opportunity to create objects from three-dimensional digital models. It is a technology that has evolved even further over the past few years. Because of the 3D printer’s developing and increasing capabilities, it could have a revolutionary impact on us all.

What you get from using a 3D printer

There are many fascinating things about 3D printers. Here are some ways that it affects the world:

  • ​​​​​​Production will take a turn towards the local.

The use of 3D printers allows companies to combine parts that were previously handled by various companies for each component in the final configuration into one. This allows for a significant reduction in manpower and enables companies to produce products at lower costs.

Thus, countries that rely on cheap labor can manufacture only in their own countries, leading to the elimination of economic dependence.

  • The medical world will be turned upside down.

3D printers are also making many medical contributions.

For example, they can provide limbs to people who are forced to undergo amputations due to a disease or an injury at lower prices than they cost in the past. They have also helped surgeons produce more precise replicas of organs for use in demonstrations.

  • 3D printing will spark a creative renaissance.

If 3D printers become more widely used in the future, it may become possible to easily reproduce one’s own ideas in a familiar way. If this happens, many products and ideas that were previously unforeseen will be introduced to the world!

  • 3D printing could help solve the housing crisis.

In recent years, housing prices have skyrocketed in Europe and the United States. The percentage of young people who can afford housing has dropped considerably as a result. 3D printers can be useful in this industry as well. By using recycled materials in housing, it is possible to create homes at much lower costs. Perhaps the era of making dwellings that are friendly to both the consumer and the planet is coming.


3D printers have potential in many areas. An increasing number of people and companies are switching to 3D printing to save on parts and labor costs. The better 3D printers get and the more affordable they become, the more people and companies will use them. So, will 3D printers have a huge impact on our future? It’s looking like it.


Brown, M (2017). 6 Ways 3D Printing will change the World. CadCrowd [online] Available at: https://www.cadcrowd.com/blog/6-ways-3d-printing-will-change-the-world/amp/[Accessed 15 November 2022].

By Shunya Irisawa

He is a Concordia International University student.

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