How the Metaverse could impact our social life at the future?

The metaverse means that online and offline can coexist. It places the user in a digital world like AR or VR, and it could be used when a person prefers to work together with different pieces of technology. Everyone could feel it. However, this system is not new. It will adapt to our real life and will be capable of providing new environments in the future. It has a really important role in making online communication with many people so simple. Many say that new communication systems have to be replaced, and many expect that the virtual world will be available to us and in harmony with the real world. So, it could be a way to interact online with friends or work colleagues just as they would in real life. Use an avatar to introduce yourself and work or communicate with them. This technology is not a new one, which I already argued against, and it has already been used successfully many times in the past years. Many companies have already adapted the metaverse, and one of the most popular things that have already been adept at any popular system is online games. They communicate with their virtual character on voice chat and play with it. The metaverse could be a good change for our society. Through it, we could evolve from the old era and greet a new world. But we don’t know what specifically will be happening in the future and how it could impact our real world. How could the metaverse impact the real world?

2. How will the metaverse will impact the business?

The metaverse could be utilized in business systems. An innovative platform could be used for new kinds of markets for customers and could attract them with new kinds of business marketing. It could be a great strategy for customers because they will experience new kinds of online shopping systems. Moreover, it has three kinds of advantages:

1. To do remote work—The pandemic situation is not only harmful but also makes us more friendly during O2O (Online to Online) classes. O2O refers to people who meet or study only online in real-time through computers and webcams. For now, the pandemic world, people must keep business continue, so they could do their work more efficiently. In addition, remote work could allow for a hybrid style. People know who studied or studied business management before. Efficiency and time are the most important. That is the most basic element of every business. The metaverse could help do it in the correct way. It will maximize the efficiency of your work when you use the metaverse to do something like a hybrid module style.

2. Optimize corporate earnings and trainings—The metaverse helps us concentrate on our work and skills training. It provides some digital content to enhance it, and some disturbance about operations, orientation sessions and get-togethers, etc. Many kinds of elements delay our work process, but when our company or we utilize the metaverse, it will be almost optimized for us. So, we could decrease some delay at our work. It will increase our productivity and earning skills. A VR workplace could fresh your curiosity, and it could evolve people’s work environment.

3. The effect of metaverse on society The metaverse is commercialized. It is now a part of our life, and we could realize the metaverse is now part of our life. Users have a new kind of ego of them in the virtual world, and they use it in new kinds of worlds. Now we have two kinds of ego, in the real world, and the virtual world. So, we could utilize them flexibly. It affected our society and changed a lot. What kinds of effects appeared in our society?

Shopping in the metaverse

The metaverse has already affected our internet shopping environments. For example, IKEA, which sells furniture and groceries, made a new kind of app to make some new space to pioneer a virtual shopping mall. They supply users, which users could place the furniture for their spaces, and they could adapt their space, so they could see how the furniture will look in their home or office space.

Apple supplies gadgets too. They are similar to IKEA. However, they are focused on Apple accessories, for example, Apple sunglass, AirPods, or Apple cars. These gadgets could help us adapt to our bodies or our space. They are using AR and artificial intelligence for customers. The meters could change shopping life.

Virtual Mental Care Helpers

The metaverse could be changed in an innovative way to care about users’ health. The meaning of health has many different meanings. It could be your mental health, it could be your diet, or it could be your body health. Also, we could take care of our health with the metaverse, which excels in mental care.

We could use VR goggles to get some therapy, and we could get some advice from a therapist at home. Some people are embarrassed about going to a psychologist, and they also feel some attention from someone. So, it may be a good cure process for everyone who needs psychological and psychiatric help. Many contemporary people need a psychical cure nowadays. In this situation, in COVID-19, everyone feels some depression and lethargy, and these phenomena are called COVID blue.

So actually, many people will get some help when they get some mental cure from the metaverse.

Metaverse Travel Tech

In the metaverse, we can go anywhere in the virtual world. Although we cannot travel anywhere in it physically, we can go anywhere in a roundabout way. In virtual worlds, if we wanted to go to La Disneyland, we could go there. Our physical body could not go there, but our eyes and our minds could. Now, the situations are a little bit more relaxed, but we need more to travel anywhere. However, in the virtual world, you could go anywhere and not be constrained by time or place. 4. Conclusion We now coexist with many kinds of technology, including the metaverse, and we have to understand many more cultures. To be more evolved is man’s nature and pattern of behavior. However, maybe this could arouse many kinds of social problems. So, you must think about some problems that come to the fore in reality. Evolution is beneficial for everyone. The metaverse has its advantages, but it may be a nice experience for everyone who reads this article. At the same time, you have to think about philosophical concerns about the evolving technology and the unscrupulous instances of the metaverse.

Bianzino, N.B. (2022). Potential impacts of the metaverse on human behavior. [online] Available at: the-metaverse-change-our-behavior-as-it-reshapes-experiences [11 July 2022].

Marr, B. (2022). The Effects Of The Metaverse On Society. [online] Bernard Marr. Available at: [11 April 2022]. ‌

Gill, N. (2022). The future of Metaverse and its impact on your business. [online] Times of India Blog. Available at: its-impact-on-your-business/ [22 April 2022].

By Taeheon Kim

He is a Concordia University Student.

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