The Impact and Legacy of World War II


Nowadays, we live in a more developed and peaceful world, however, we are sometimes still at risk to certain elements. In the past, many countries were frightened by many attempts at war. Because of this, people were very thankful when their country survived the war. For many people on the earth, their standards of happiness changed for a multitude of reasons. People don’t need to be frightened by war. Because of the many people who sacrificed their lives in war, they made great contributions to our quality of life. After World War II, their legacy remains. Some countries benefitted from World War II, but some countries were left in ruin and are still recovering today. Countries’ political systems were affected by this, too. Some countries became democracies s, but some countries became communist. War is a turning point in a country’s fate, it can create many complexities and changes. What kinds of legacies are preserved in our lives? 

Which country most benefited from World War II?

Following World War II, the United States achieved phenomenal economic growth. The war brought the return of accomplishment, and in the postwar duration, the United States cemented its position as the world’s richest country. The United States’ gross national product, a measurement of all products and services, jumped from $200,000 million in 1940 to $300,000 million in 1950, and more than $500,000 million later in 1960. This growth was possible because of many different reasons, but the element that helped the United States most was the automobile industry. The automobile industry was partially culpable, as the number of automobiles produced annually quadrupled between 1946 to 1955. Moreover, the housing boom encouraged and fueled growth by allowing affordable mortgages for returning servicemen.

What happened after World War II?

At the end of World War II, huge fodders of Europe and Asia decreased to ruins. Borders were altered, new ones had appeared, and funerals were underway. However, the enormous efforts to fix it had just started. When the war began in the 1930s, the world’s population was about 2 billion. The war between the Axis and Allied powers resulted in 80 million deaths, killing off about 4 percent of the global population. Allied forces now became citizens, taking control of Japan, Germany, and lots of territories they had formerly ruled. Efforts were made to forever demolish the war-making abilities of those nations. As factories were consumed and departed, leadership was abolished or indicted. War violation trials appeared in Europe and Asia, leading to many executions and confinement censures. Millions of Japanese and Germans were effectively dislodged from colonies that they called home. Allied affairs and the United Nations accord accelerated many lasting problems in the future, including the pressures that created East and West Germany, and conflicting plans on the Korean Peninsula that caused the division to create North and South Korea. It also led to the Korean War in 1950. The United Nation Partition Plan for Palestine constructed the way for Israel to acknowledge its independence in 1948 and imprinted the start of the continuing Arab-Israel clash. The growing pressures between Western powers and the Soviet Eastern Bloc advanced into the Cold War, and the development and proliferation of nuclear weapons raised the unnerving possibility of World War III if common ground could not be found. World War II was the biggest story of the 20th century, and its impact extended to affect the entire world more than 65 years later. 

What were the social changes after World War 2?

After World War II, many political elements and social changes appeared. The first during the post-war age was the Cold War, which was a delayed age of time defined by the acute military and political strain between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. These two states were allies during World War II, but after the end of the War, they now saw themselves as adversaries. In the post-war age, the United States accepted a strategy of different policies that have come to be known as the policy of containment. The rise in defense spending as the Cold War expanded also played a part.

The policy of containment was contracted to contain the spread of socialism, but not naturally fight it where it was already current. In a speech in 1947, President Truman declared that the United States would administer economic and military support to Greece and Turkey, two nations whose people were pursuing a communist takeover. This action on the part of President Truman became known as the Truman Doctrine. The Truman Doctrine necessarily stated that the United States would arbitrate to help countries combat communism.

Following the close of World War II, a wave of anti-communist narrative attitudes spread across the United States called the Red Scare, sometimes referred to as McCarthyism, named after Senator Joseph McCarthy. This falling wave of anti-communism crested between 1947 to 1953. During this time, numerous Hollywood actors and employees were accused of having alleged communist ties and were blacklisted, leaving their careers in tatters.


World War II had a strong impact, both at the start of the war and at the end of the war. Also, we are living in the heritage and vestige of World War II which came as a result of the war. People usually think that legacy is the only thing that we see or register at UNESCO. However, legacy is engraved into our lives. Just people don’t feel the impact of it well because nowadays almost everyone on the globe did not live in the World War II era. People who lived during the World War 2 era are almost dead right now. That’s the reason people couldn’t realize that legacy exists in our lives. Now almost all countries have developed technologies and complex political aspects, and everyone knows about the horrors of the War so almost every country wants to solve problems with a compromise. In some people’s opinion, they said wars could take away many people’s lives, but events after a war could make a new generation of the world and descendants could live in a better world later. However, many methods exist right now to make the world nicer in a non-violent way. People should not repeat these mistakes.


Taylor, A. (2011). World War II: After The War. [online] The Atlantic. Available at: [Accessed 25 October 2022].

Phanprasit, P. (2010). Do you agree that in the post-Cold War world ‘low politics’ have become ‘high politics’? [online] E-International Relations. Available at: [Accessed 25 October 2022].

Roberts, C. (2021). The Enduring Impact of World War II. [online] National Museum of the Pacific War. Available at: [Accessed 25 October 2022].

Pruitt, S. (2020). The Post World War II Boom: How America Got Into Gear. [online] HISTORY. Available at: [Accessed 23 October 2022].

By Taeheon Kim

He is a Concordia University Student.

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