What you get from reading books

Do you read books? Is reading a book a habit? Nowadays, various media provide us with information and entertainment, and we tend to pick up what is easy or convenient. However, there is so much to be gained from reading books, and they have a positive impact on us.

Benefits of reading books

There is a lot to be gained from reading. In this article, we will get to know 10 of them.

・Gain valuable knowledge

The greatest benefit of reading books as a habit is learning. Books allow you to acquire in-depth knowledge that you cannot get from YouTube or podcasts. If you want to be more productive, you should read books. Reading books can provide you with a lot of knowledge and education, which will have a positive impact on your own habits.

Writer Roald Dahl said, “If you want to achieve anything in life, you have to read a lot of books. When asked how he built his rockets, world-renowned businessman Elon Musk said, “I read books. Many great and successful people read books.

 ・Exercise your brain

Joseph Addison, a 17th-century English writer, once said, “Reading is exercise for the mind and exercise for the body.”

So, how does reading affect the human brain? Studies have shown that reading affects the brain’s complex network of circuits and signals. Furthermore, as our ability to read books improves, either the network mentioned above becomes stronger and more resilient, or it becomes even sharper.

In addition, some studies have shown how the human brain is affected by reading novels. Reading the novel “Pompeii” by Robert Harris, who was involved in this study, promotes more activation in the human brain in proportion to the increased tension in the story.

Our human brain and muscles are similar; we either use them on a regular basis or we don’t, and, of course, if we don’t use them, they will decline. Therefore, reading books out of habit is important for improving and maintaining the good condition of the brain.

 ・Improve your focus

Reading is a good workout because it allows you to focus on one thing at a time. Fiction requires immersion in its world, while non-fiction works require total concentration to absorb the knowledge gained.

Therefore, if you want to be successful, read and train!

 ・Improve your memory

Are you the type of person who frequently forgets things? Do you have a to-do list with lots of things to do but forget to do them?

Reading can help you improve your memory. Whether you are reading a work of non-fiction or a novel, you need to memorize a lot of information about a single subject, as well as the characters, correlations, environments, etc. in the story.

This is an excellent way to make your memory more evocative because you are memorizing something new.

 ・Enjoy entertainment

The most interesting entertainment on the planet is reading books. The advantage of reading is that the stories and content you are reading or studying are so fascinating that you become so absorbed in them that you forget about everything else. To achieve this state of mind, you must come across works that you would like to read. Book genres are diverse, so any person can find a work that is perfect for them.

This is a great opportunity to immerse yourself in reading because of this social situation. Nowadays, there are reading subscriptions in addition to libraries, so it is easy and convenient to get started.

 ・Improve your ability to empathize

Another benefit of reading is that it can increase your “empathy,” which improves your ability to understand the feelings of others. This empathy can be very helpful and improve your stress and relationships.

Novels can develop your ability to understand the feelings of others because of their detailed depictions of human psychology.

If you can find a great book, it will nurture your “empathy” and help you in many different situations.

 ・Improve your communication skills

Good communication skills are one of the most important skills that are indispensable. In fact, about 70% of employers would like to have good communication skills in their workforce.

What a great way to improve this ability is to get into the habit of reading. Reading books increases vocabulary, and reading well-written texts is a natural way to improve your vocabulary. Also, by reading well-organized sentences, you can acquire the ability to express them naturally. And, as I mentioned earlier, you will be able to relate to other people’s feelings, which will facilitate better conversations!

 ・Reduce stress

The benefits of reading are many more. It reduces the stress we, humans, can feel. There are various pastimes in this world. Among them, reading helps reduce stress more than games, walking, etc. If you are a person who is busy every day, just six minutes of reading a day can relieve about 70% of your stress. That’s easy enough for any person to do and keep up! Whenever you feel stressed, pick up a book!

 ・Improve your mental health

The good that comes from reading is manifested in the mental aspect.

The term “bibliotherapy” is used. It is when a medical professional selects an appropriate book and prescribes it for a specific condition. If you have any mental problems, pick up a book, not a social networking site.

Live longer

The final benefit that reading gives us is excitement, excitement, and fun. You pick up a book and make it a habit to read, and this has a lot to do with the length of your lifespan. One study found a two-year difference in life expectancy between those who read and those who don’t. And if you make it a habit to read for 30 minutes a day, you can live up to 23% longer. It also helps prevent Alzheimer’s and other diseases. To stay healthy both mentally and physically for a longer period of time, make reading a habit (Law, 2021)!


Besides improving vocabulary, reading has a great positive impact on the human mind and body. It’s a good idea to increase the opportunities to pick up a book in our daily life as much as possible from now on.


・Law, T.J. (2021). 10 Benefits of Reading Books: Why You Should Read Every Day. [online] www.oberlo.com. Available at: https://www.oberlo.com/blog/benefits-of-reading-books [Accessed 30 July 2022].

By Shunya Irisawa

He is a Concordia International University student.

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