How to design space more efficiently?

Spatial design exists for interior environments or human environments. Spatial designers have several things to think about when they are designing spaces: for what purpose the spaces are being designed, how convenient they would be, how they are or would be constructed, how they could increase the quality of space, and who will live in or use them. When someone wants to be a spatial designer, they have to think about some answers to some questions: How can I make space more practical? How can I apply my design to different kinds of cultural regions? Spatial designers have to study how they can convince their customers to implement their design or combine their design with that of the customer. Everyone says that education has no limits on age, and all kinds of designers that have to deal with space have to keep learning. They have to enhance their perspective and discerning eyes because design trends and concepts always change. They have to apply new kinds of design forms to their style. Spatial designers will feel some limitations when they face some unexpected occurrences. That can also be a spatial limitation or a functional limitation. Also, there are many kinds of dangerous elements. Space is a kind of battlefield. Spatial designers’ tools are their weapons, and space is considered an enemy. Spatial designers have to enslave enemies with their tools. Examples of which are rulers, painters, roadmaps, etc. They always fight on the battlefield. We now understand what spatial designers do and study. Still, we don’t know about the meaning of spatial design. What exactly is it?

What is meant by spatial design?

Spatial design is just about designing space. Many kinds of space exist in our surroundings. That can be our bedroom, living room, kitchen, school, or library. Everything in which somebody lives or exists can be space. Moreover, we can divide space design into two subjects: interior design and exterior design. Interior design involves designing interior areas where people live or stay. Exterior design means designing exterior areas, such as landscapes, gardens, patios, etc. A spatial designer can design many things, which can be influenced by multiple elements. Spatial design can be used for many different kinds of reasons, including evolving space more efficiently or keeping a tradition. As mentioned, many factors may change a design concept. If customers want to design with a classical form, then the designer can think about what elements could make it a vintage space. Maybe they have to search for some traditional architecture and research what kinds of materials are used to design it. All kinds of design require concentration and precision. The blueprint must be planned meticulously to avoid making any mistakes in the building process. So, the designs have to be double checked or even triple checked to make them perfect. If some problem occurs during the building process, then a big inconvenience or accident will come up.

What are the seven elements of design?

Elements of design are necessary, for they are always used when we design spaces. However, actually, these elements are not only used in spatial design. It can be used in all kinds of designs. And usually, seven elements are involved in the designing process: color, line, value, space, shape, form, and texture. There are a variety of spatial design elements to consider when designing any interior or exterior design.

Color: Color has a very important role on the design, as it helps you decide the mood of your design. It has an important role in design. When light reflects into our eyes, we can identify the colors of objects. Actually, designers and artists use colors to describe their pieces. When you choose the wrong color during the design process, the overall atmosphere will be spoiled. Therefore, they have to be chosen and planned very carefully. When they fill a space with color, as much as possible, they have to choose the right colors.

Line: Many kinds of lines exist, such as horizontal lines, vertical lines, and diagonal lines. Lines make shapes and sides, and a line’s characteristics play a role in deciding the mood of the design, too. When you choose vertical lines, you can make a space look soft. Or if you choose horizontal lines, you can make a space look hard. Lines are one of the most important elements in decided the mood of a design.

Value: In design, we can say that value is the lightness or darkness of a color. It can be anticipated in a gradient. We have to consider this element when we draw blueprints. It is important to apprehend a space’s lightest part and darkest part before we start to construct or assign some structure.

Space: As mentioned, space is an important element in design. Space or its form is the biggest factor in spatial design or any other type of design, as they greatly influence the other elements of design. Hence, it needs to be discussed thoroughly.

Shape: We can say the most basic design element is shape. Shape pertains to the form of the outline of an object. Actually, we can find three kinds of shapes in design: abstract shapes, geometric shapes, and organic shapes. 

Form: You have to choose the form of your design. In design, we can decide the form by choosing your design way with your elements. Using the correct form will impact your design experience, and you have to have some sight to use it. Choose the correct form and apply it to your design space.

There is no definite answer when it comes to design. Many people ask, “How do you make a practical design?” But the answer to this question may seem very easy, and you can know how to do it. If you want to design practically, for example, you can place modern and simple furniture and objects in your space. If you want to design traditionally, then you may use old furniture and use an architectural style from the past. There is no way to design correctly. Just trust yourself and hang it on. But don’t forget that if you want to make a great design form, you need careful examination too. So, again, every design doesn’t have an answer.


Daw, C. (2022). What Is Spatial Design? [online] Home Questions Answered. Available at: [Accessed 26 August 2022].

Master Class. (2021). Elements of Design: Understanding the 7 Elements of Design. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 August 2022].

SPATIAL DESIGN SPATIAL DESIGN SPATIAL DESIGN SPATIAL DESIGN. (2019). [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 August 2022].

By Taeheon Kim

He is a Concordia University Student.

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