How to boost self-confidence

Not many people can speak their opinions in front of many people at work. Most of us are reluctant to speak confidently in public, even when we have a lot to say. Confidence is one of the abilities to develop by investing effort and time, not by natural traits that many people think. Not everyone works with confidence, but those who work with confidence are much more likely to succeed at work than those who do not. Confident employees are more productive, perform well, and can make a good impression on their bosses. Then how can we boost our confidence? And what are the benefits of being confident?

What is Self-confidence

The American Psychological Association defines confidence as “faith that you can successfully meet the needs of a job.” In other words, an individual has confidence in their qualities, abilities, and judgments. It also means a sense of confidence in the ability to control one’s life. Having faith in yourself is very important for psychological well-being and health. Healthy and high self-confidence gives you more motivation and allows you to be more successful at work or in your personal life.

How to be more confident

1. Stop comparing yourself to others

According to Personality and Individual Differences in 2018, the more you compare yourself to others, the more jealous you experience, the more envious you are, and the worse you feel about yourself. There is nothing like comparing yourself to others that reduce your confidence. It is necessary to recognize and frequently remind that comparing yourself with others does not help one’s life. Remember the blessings you have received so far, focus on your life, appreciate it, and live each day.

2. Take care of your body

When you practice self-management for your body, you will be able to have positive changes in your mind, body, and mental, and through this, you will be able to have high confidence. You can keep your body healthy and energetic through healthy eating habits, and you can gain energy and change your body image positively through regular exercise. According to a study, people feel more confident when their body image can improve through regular exercise. In addition, by having high-quality sleep, the body and mind can be restored and, the leisure of daily life can be found. These sleeping habits make you have a positive personality and increase your self-esteem so that you can have confidence.

3. Practice positive self-talk

Positive self-talk helps you escape your self-doubt and challenge new things. On the other hand, negative self-talk sets limits on one’s ability and reduces confidence. If negative thoughts speak to you, you need to boldly deny and disagree with them and reorganize them into more positive reviews. Positive self-talk overcomes self-doubt, encourages oneself, and boosts confidence with a positive mind.

4. Do things you’re good at

According to a study, the belief that one can make one’s strengths through one’s abilities is related to life satisfaction.  First, identify what you are good at and do it periodically. Then, you can strengthen your strengths and improve your faith in yourself. The more often you do what your strengths are based on, the higher your confidence will be.

5. Set realistic goals

The sense of accomplishment when you achieve your goal is another important feeling that increases your confidence. When difficult and high-level goals are set and not reached, people often experience a sense of failure and frustration, which greatly reduces confidence. To feel a sense of accomplishment often and surely, it is good to set realistic, small, specific goals and make a list. And check with yourself whether those things are feasible, and then put them into practice. Then confidence will increase because of the sense of accomplishment you feel every time you achieve your goals become a reality.

Benefits of self-confidence

1. Healthier relationships

Being healthy and confident can not only help you understand, embrace, and love others better. But also affect how you feel about yourself. It also gives you the power to protect yourself and escape negative relationships and bad situations.

2. Better performance

By being healthy and having high confidence, you can put effort and energy into your work by giving yourself the power to do it without rebuking yourself for lack. It helps to produce better results.

3. Resilience

If you have low confidence, give up easily, get frustrated, and do not trust yourself, you can develop the power to face, overcome, and recover when you face difficult challenges or adversity in life by having high confidence.

4. Openness to trying new things

Confidence also reduces the fear of believing in yourself and experiencing new things. When you have confidence in your abilities and have confidence with a positive mind, you don’t hesitate to try and challenge new things and develop yourself further.


It’s amazing to be able to live a different life by learning how to be confident. Healthy and high self-confidence has many positive effects on life and allows you to live a more advanced life. Not only their own life. It will bring many advantages to home, work, and social relationships.


By Heon Jeong Yi

She is a student of Concordia International University student.

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