Do dogs really like people?

How did dogs become close to people?

The relationship between dogs and people began very long ago.

The oldest record of finding people and dogs buried together is about 14,000 years ago, but some individuals think that people and dogs may have been together twice as long.

At first, they lived in the same place and had a profit-sharing relationship. Dogs protected people from predators and provided humans with company, and people provided food, shelter and friendship for dogs in return.

After people settled down, they didn’t need so many dogs. Still, many people took care of them to help on farms. Nowadays, people keep dogs because they have a true emotional relationship with them.

Why are dogs so loyal to humans?

Simply put, dogs show loyalty to people because people provide them with food and shelter. Dogs appreciate the necessities of life and the loyalty that humans give them.

There is a scientific basis for this: tamed dogs are descended from wolves. 

Wolves once played a role in protecting people and were domesticated to shelters and food in return. This mutually beneficial relationship remains in the dogs’ genes, and their loyalty is a side effect of it.

Of course, this will mean that loyal dogs love everyone who gives them food. This is mostly true because dogs tend to follow the feeding family members better, but this is not the only explanation.

How do they get along with children? (Advantages or disadvantages of having a dog in a house with children)

Cognitive and mental development

What would it be like for a child to go through a dog training course with his or her parents to help them develop their minds without challenging themselves? It would be their communication, emotional growth, responsibility, etc.

Dogs provide essential support systems for children. A child with a dog will not feel lonely because there is someone to visit when he or she is depressed. In fact, studies show that people with pets have a much lower rate of depression.


Humans and dogs have been together for a long time. At the beginning, their purposes and relationships were symbiotic. But now, they communicate and think they are family. Besides, when children live with dogs, they can receive help with their emotions, communication ability, and more.


Bauhaus, J.M. (2018). Dogs’ True Loyalty is Real | Hill’s Pet. [online] Hill’s Pet Nutrition. Available at: [Accessed 25 May 2022].

Bretana, R. (2019). Why Do Dogs Love People So Much? [online] Extreme Electric Dog Fence 2021 DIY – Kits. Available at: [Accessed 28 May 2022]. (n.d.). Revealed: Why Are Dogs So Loyal To Humans? | Purina. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 May 2022].

By Yu Jin Jeong

She is a Concordia International University student.

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