Why are ocean animals on the verge of extinction?

Currently, many animals are in great danger. Industrial development has driven many animals to the brink of extinction. Many scientists consider the birth of the Industrial Revolution to be one of the turning points of extinction. The reasons leading to the extinction of marine life include many factors, such as plastic pollution, noise pollution, ocean dumping, global warming, oil spills, and more.

The first of many things that are driving marine animals to extinction is climate change. Due to global warming, severe weather continues, and the polar ice caps have melted, causing sea levels to rise. For this reason, some marine species have migrated further north as the water warms. This phenomenon increases coral blenching, which affects greenhouse emissions and kills many animals.

Second, the habits of people who catch a lot of fish have a bad effect on marine animals. Over 75% of the world’s fish have been completely exploited or depleted due to overfishing. These exploited marine animals are used as aquarium fish, souvenirs, food, etc.

Next, coastal development is also another major problem. The world population continues to increase, and as a result, land developments extend to  many coastlines. These developments include wetlands, coral reefs, seagrass, grasslands, and many coasts and beaches, have a significant impact on animal survival. Coastal development also affects the survival of marine life by increasing populations along beaches.

Finally, ocean acidification has enormous adverse effects on marine animals. Ocean acidification is mainly caused by carbon dioxide emissions from sulfur and greenhouse gases that cause global warming and climate change. When the oxides react with oxygen and dissolve in seawater, they pollute the oceans by forming various types of acids. If the water continues to acidify, the holding power of living things is greatly reduced.

Types and meanings of endangered animals in the ocean

Endangered animals in the ocean are threatened with extinction due to a rapid decline in population or loss of important habitats. Species of endangered marine animals include many types. First is the Hawksbill Turtle, which is found in marine and tropical regions of the world. This animal estimated that their populations have declined by 80% over the past century. This tortoise has been mercilessly slaughtered by tourists for many years. Also, in many countries, it is forbidden to collect eggs from marine animals, but people do not stop this practice. Due to these practices and the degradation of coral reefs, turtle populations continue to decline.

The second is Vaquita, which inhabits the shallow turbid water of Mexico. This animal is the world’s smallest and most endangered cetacean. The world’s rarest marine mammal is on the verge of extinction half a century after its first sighting. People’s extensive use of nets for fishing in California made the species endangered, and its population dwindled. This reduction has reached 90%, and there are only 12 left in the world.

Third, blue whales are also at great risk. At the top of the food chain, whales play an important role in maintaining a healthy marine environment. Unfortunately, over-hunting and fishing for commercial purposes have led to a sharp decline in whale populations, ranging from 10,000 to 25,000.

Another endangered marine animal is Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle. This turtle is the rarest and smallest sea turtle and is in danger. The tortoise is mainly found in the Mexican waters and often migrate back to the Atlantic to lay their eggs. The turtle population has declined significantly due to conditions. such as habitat loss and marine pollution. Therefore, it is illegal to collect eggs, and research is being conducted to incubate eggs in temperature-controlled rooms to protect endangered marine life.

Conservation methods to protect endangered animals in the ocean

People should reduce their energy consumption by keeping carbon emissions in mind and in check. People must diminish the impact of climate change on the oceans by keeping cars at home whenever possible and being conscious of energy use at home and work. In addition, people must choose and capture safe and sustainable seafood. Fish populations are rapidly depleting due to habitat loss and poor fishing practices. People should reduce the demand for overfished species by choosing sustainable and non-healthy seafood when shopping and eating out. Moreover, reducing the use of plastic products is a great way. Plastic is a major contributor to habitat destruction and kills many marine animals. To mitigate this impact, many people must recycle as much as possible by carrying reusable water bottles. Support groups for marine protection should be established. Many agencies and organizations are working to protect marine habitats and marine wildlife. People can also find a national institution and get financial support to volunteer. In this way, we can pull the trigger to bring endangered marine animals out of the crisis.


Currently, marine animals are in great danger due to overall industrial development and people’s greed. The number of marine animals at risk is increasing tremendously, and the number of animals that are adversely affected is also increasing. To overcome the negative situation, people must give up their greed and practice ways to preserve marine animals.


CONSERVE ENERGY FUTURE. (2021). Is marine Life Dying? Available: https://www.conserve-energy-future.com/causes-effects-solutions-depleting marine-life.php. Last accessed 18th September 2021.

Shamseer Mambra. (2021). 10 Endangered Ocean Species and Marine Animals. Available: https://www.marineinsight.com/environment/10-endangered ocean-species-and-marine-animals/. Last accessed 18th September 2021.

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC. (2010). 10 Things You Can Do to Save the Ocean. Available: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/10- things-you-can-do-to-save-the-ocean. Last accessed 18th September 2021.

By Chung Hyeon Kim

I have experience learning business administration which has a close relationship with the most knowledge of capitalist society in the past.

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